Omeprazole for acid reflux

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering if anyone has taken this while pregnant? My doctor prescribed this for me and the pharmacist told me he has never seen in in the dosage they gave me they want me to take it 4 times a day at 20mg a pill, he said usually it's a once a day thing. Also from research it's classified as a type c drug which means the benefits outweigh the risks but not much research has been done. Just want some opinions I know my doctor gave it to me but I'm super nervous don't want to take anything that could hurt my little one!


  • I have it, its the generic for Pepcid. I don't know the mg, but I had to take it once in the morning and once at night. Maybe call your dr to verify the dosing.
  • Yeah the pharmacist wouldn't fill it at first because he was weird-ed out by the dosage so he called my Dr to double check and they told him that's what they wanted. I'm thinking of only taking it once a day, because I get my acid reflux normally at the same time everyday. Have you had any side effects?
  • I would definately try one a day first. If thats doesn't work then you can increase your dosage. The less you can get away with taking during pregnancy the better.
  • @12mamakiss that's what i was thinking!
  • I haven't had any side effects.
  • My Dr prescribed that for me but it wasn't helping so she prescribed me protonix, it's supposed to eliminate the acid in your stomach. But I don't think she prescribed the original one for more than twice a day. The protonix I'm only supposed to take every three days.
  • Thank you ladies for all your help!
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