previous miscarriage

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I miscarried my first back in november, but now my period is late and the dark line on my stomach is coming back. My husband and I want us to be pregnant and be successful so bad. Im only two days late so far... I took a home test and it showed negative, any tips or suggestions? We just want this to happen so badly :(


  • I had to wait till I was 5wks hope that help! & I took like 3 & they all said negative & I'm 12 weeks now >:D< .
  • Im just getting so impatient..... lol .we just both want this to work so bad.
  • I had a miscarriage back in July and they told me I had to wait 3 months I found out I was 7 weeks in September I was so scared but the doctor told me that after a miscarriage you are likely to have a full term pregnancy the next time I'm now 22 weeks with a little girl
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