
edited October 2011 in Food


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  • I was told the same thing with this pregnancy but not with my 1ST 2. I would go get your sub if you want it but whenever else you can heat up the meat.
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  • edited June 2011
    I was told but I don't listen...lol I dnt eat deli sandwiches cold anyway but all ive been craving is hotdogs. :)

    BUT I dnt encourage ignoring doctors, so get it heated.
  • I graduated nursing school (baccalaureate program) in december and we weren't told this in the L&D rotation. My dr's told me this though and it's not that it will def make you sick its bc there's a slight chance of having listeria on the meat. Steaming it or zapping it in the microwave kills any bacteria that may be on the lunchmeat. If you were to get it non-pregnant you'd get GI symptoms but baby can't fight it so that's why it's potentially dangerous. There's been nothing I've wanted more this pregnancy than a hoagie but I'm pretty sure it's bc I know I can't have cold lunchmeat :)
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe the nurse actually said i would have to eat right after heating lol
  • @mam082711 ohh i see.. u know how subway heats sandwiches.. do u think that is hot enough to kill the bacteria? lol
  • Lmao no! 3rd pregnancy n never heard of the lunch meat BS till on pregly. Its all about common sense. Clean ur hand before handling ....don't let it sit out forever .... and don't eat old lunch meat. This new rule about lunch meat is dumb! I also still eat Dippy eggs!
  • @mshahir LOL well i don't eat turkey alot but i enjoy eating turkey sandwiches and since the nurse told me this i have been scared so i stayed away.. i made turkey sandwiches for my kids yesterday and finally broke down and ate one cold. i couldn't help it haha
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  • @mshahir lol thats why i ate it yesterday it was a brandnew pack i just opened so i was like theres no way there bacteria on this. haha
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe oh well.. that makes sense. it was actually the hotdogs that she told me i could eat fresh off the grill while they are still hot and don't eat them if they were sitting there for a while. lol idk i guess i just microwave my turkey meat lol
  • What if you got a sub from subway and had them toast it? Not sure if it'd be hot enough, but it's worth a shot! :]
  • I love hot dogs. Mmmm hot dog
  • @cee808 I think that it would be hot enough but I've not had a toasted subway sandwich before lol I only zap mine for 10 seconds in the microwave before making a sandwich cuz honestly the thought of too warm lunchmeat grosses me out. But if I didn't do it, I have the fortune that I would be the one to actually get the listeria lol
  • @kylee1135 that's what I was wondering...if it was gonna be hot enough that way. It has to be better then eating it straight cold lol
  • @cee808 And @mshahir is right it's not a very common thing at all but I guess they want to cover their rear ends just in case.
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  • Dr told me there aren't enough studies out to prove that. She said I could eat cold cuts in moderation. Once in awhile is ok.
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