Has any1 giving birth @ 36 weeks?

edited June 2011 in Giving birth
I would love to hear ur story please n thank u :)


  • With my youngest son (3 now) I did. Lost plug at work, when I got home I went for walk than as soon as I got done with that my water broke. Went to hospital than contractions started. I had him in 3 hrs. Naturally. :)
  • My best friend did at 36w5d with her first. She went shopping for baby stuff, came home took a nap...woke up and there was her plug. An hour later her water broke. She had an epidural and delivered vaginally. Her daughter was perfectly fine besides dome jaundice. She did not have to go to the NICU. They were home 2 days later!
  • I had my first son at 36 wks. He came early because I was under alot of stress. Although he was early he was not considered premature, he weighed 5lbs. 3 oz. and was able to leave the hosp. with me.
  • I haven't but I have a feeling I'm not gonna make it much past 36 weeks this time
  • @camommy really? Sumtimes I think dat!
  • im 36weeks today and was in hosp last week, cos i was havin contractions, i had steroid injections to make babies lungs strong iv been losing my mucous plug gradully over the last 3days and i still havnt had my baby boy yet....not happy
  • I'm hugeat 32 weeks my dr thinks I might go early due to my size
  • I delivered at 35w6d. I had to be induced due to high blood pressure.. They thought I might so they gave me steroid shots for his lungs. I was induced and was in labor for 20hrs and ended up having a csection. My baby boy was born 4/28/11 at 6:08pm. He spent 3 days in the NICU to be monitored. He spent the last night in the hospital in my room under lights for jaundice and then the next day got to come home with us. He is now a very healthy 7 week old!
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