6 week postpartum check up (help)
Can anyone tell me what to expect? I was supposed to have it last tuesday but my dr.had to deliver. So we waited for like an hour. But he wasnt back and no other dr could see me. So my appointment is next tuesday and my son will be 7 weeks.
@momof5 thanks will the pap hurt as bad bc I had a c section?
if this post goes through multiple times, I'm sorry! Stupid, spazzy phone!
@waasae it only posted once and my last one hurt
Well, just make sure you tell your doctor that it hurts, it should help if they have some gentle hands. Also, I don't know if this makes much of a difference but mine uses the plastic... thingy... with me, the smallest size she has. She's also really good at attaching it. I had one ER doc when I was 12 weeks with this pregnancy literally fight to attach it. That was the only time I've had a pap hurt. X(
@Lauren0204Robert yikes