how did find out that you were pregnant



  • I was standing in the bathroom doing my hair and listening to the radio. A song tat I'd heard a thousand times came on and as i was singing it my eyes started to get really watery. So I knew i must be.
  • I started getting really bad migraines and was very dizzy. My family all joked I was pregnant. When I got back from vacation I took test..sure enough...a quick positive. That was three weeks ago and I'm still really scared. I'm 26 but not married. My mom doesn't accept this pregnancy BC of that. Said I was stupid n making a huge mistake by having this baby. Really hurts bad.
  • I was having cramps as if my period was never was a week late and my breast were sore and I was really dizzy so that morning I took it...yep I was really first and unplanned...
  • I was crampy and dry heaving often. When my period was 4 days late, I bought a pregnancy test. I peed on it and read the newspaper on the toilet while I waited. After about a minute, I glanced over at the test and it said pregnant. I said, "Oh my god!" And ran to get my phone. I took a picture of the test and sent it to my husband at work. He called me a few minutes later and said, "Does it say what I think it says?" I told him, "Yeah! I'm pregnant!" He started cheering and immediately told everyone at work. That was such an awesome day :)
  • I had recently went to the hospital in December for a very abnormal period.. They have me a test and it was negative.. I then started having sore boobs I thought my period was coming. It didn't come but I didn't think anything of it since my cycle is irregular. I was two weeks past my period... so I bought a test but nothing showed up. I went out and bought another one after I took it one line showed up I was like ok. I started washing my hands and looked over and there was a second line... I went out and bought another one
  • Well I'm from Montana . Just moved here Oct .2010 after I got married . And we want kids so we just said we won't do anything to prevent them and see what happens . Well than I got my period and I almost cried I was sad . I had no clue I wanted a baby so bad . But at that moment I really knew I did and my husband did to . So then rolls around my period and I'm in Oregon visiting our families for the holidays . And then I realize I'm 2 weeks late but I didn't really think much of it . And so one day my husband really wanted to go in the jacuzzi and I was like um . Well what if I'm pregnant ? He's like maybe u are . Let's check . So we go and we buy an ept the digital test . I go back to my parents house and we go to the b room and I Pee on it and it says to wait like one min . Well within seconds it said pregnant . Lol my husband looked first smiled and showed me . I was kind of in denail . I was like maybe the " not " appears later its digital. Lol . Then I just was happy and we hugged . And I thought I was only 2 weeks . But I was a month off lol my sister told me I was 6 weeks . So thay was exciting . That was Jan 3 2011 . I am 9 weeks Monday .
  • My mommy knew because she felt all my morning sickness! Hope she feels the labor paons also,, lol j/k
  • @annamazing I felt the same way after I got married.
  • Trying to prove I wasnt
  • I was very very emotional. Every little thing would make me so mad, and then I would cry hysterically. I thought I was having a nervous breakdown. Then I had some very light brown spotting, but my period never came. I googled that and it said it was probably implantation bleeding. I had a test and accidently dropped it in the toilet lol, so I called hubby and told him to bring one home. I got a very strong negative at first, and when I was about to throw it away I noticed a very faint line making it positive!
  • Lol I think mines is real weird my friend thought she was pregnant and wanted me to take a test wit her I just knew I wasn't pregnant cuz I was on da pill I have took three test since then and all of them are
    positive my frist doc appt is on the 25th
  • I love coffee. Everyday I must have coffee. So on my morning run for coffee I ordered a large coffee and took a sip, then right there and then I threw up..I went and got a pregnancy test and was positive..
  • I kept dreaming I was pregnant.....and den da hubby started to notice changes in my body that I didn't I tested and it was positive
  • Well on my sons first bday I found out I was preggo again.....expecting another boy.....
  • I felt dizzy all the time and coffee made me sick.
  • @kendra_31639 that's really neat. Did u tell your other son that day?

    @mome2a09x11 ugh coffee makes me about hurl when I smell it
  • I was speaking to my grandfather on the phone and he's like..."I don't know if its because I had so many kids but I'm almost sure your pregnant ..are you?" And at that time I was only a day of course I just had to take a test and what do you know its positive...
  • Well to be honest we never used protection I had been havin sex with him for the past 5 yeas unprotected....had a child 3.5 yrs ago n got pregnant this past sept kinda used pullout but not always I was relying a lot on low spermcount cause he smoke and I would pee immediatly after sex but oddly enough aug into sept we had sex and he n I both remember jokin around sayin omg that was so good def a baby maker lol......didn't realize how right we were.....not being together at the time or even now kinda sucks but I'm so happy to have another girl!!!!!
  • It's funny because my boyfriend told me u I was pregnant. I laughed but he was right when u took the all 4 pregnancy test
  • I was spose to get my period on Jan. 29th and it even felt like it was definitely coming. That day came & went but nothing. I was expecting my period to be late cuz that month I didnr start my new pack of bc pills and I know that can really screw up ur cycle. 5 days late, so I convinced my co-worker to get a 2 pack test with me since I knew she was also late on her period. I was 98% convinced that I was NOT prego and she thought she really was. Well got home and I'M the one that got a positive! I was in shock & disbelief. My friend bought me another test the following day cuz I was still in denial. It didn't sink in til I went to the docs to confirm it.
  • Lol I don't know how husband/boyfriends know before we do!
  • My period didn't come on either I thought it was stress or some but I took the test and I was.....I was scared to death
  • With my first son I knew something was wrong as my normally friendly hyper dog started to stalk me around the house and go nuts if anyone came near me. He sat on my feet when I did dishes sat outside the toilet and lay over my lap when I sat down. And bark like hell when I left house without him. I was worried he was ill till vet said he fine he just protective of you and baby. The day before my mum asked if I was pregnant. Didnt take test till two days later and sure enough dog mum and vet all correct! Now im trying for second one and two days ago a work friend 'predicted' im pregnant so will wait to see if he right lol
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