First time preggo...already a stepmom....anyone else in my situation?

edited June 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
my hubby was previously married and has 2 amazing kids a 7 year old boy and 6 year old girl I have been mama T for almost 3 years and now I am due in september with my first child. I feel like I am doing this all backwards lol there are alot of weird issues coming up my baby is technically the first grandbaby on my side yet my step kids have already made them grandparents my dad got a soon to be grandpa shirt and my hubbys says you been a grandpa for 3 years...just wondering if anyone else is in this boat


  • I'm not right where you are, but my baby's father has a 12 year old son with his ex-wife, & my sister's hubby has a 15 year old daughter with his ex-fiance, & I know my parents didn't feel like "actual" grandparents until my sister had her boy, & now I am pregnant with a girl. I understand why it would bother your hubby, but hopefully he can understand that his kiddos aren't a blood relation to your parents, & this baby will be. So as much as I'm sure they love your step-kids, this baby is going to feel different to them & have a stronger bond. It's natural. I hope your husband can understand that & have it not hurt his feelings.
    Best of luck, & congrats! :)
  • I'm pretty much in the same situation. My fiance' has a 5 year old daughter from a previous marriage, and now our first is due in August. It does kinda seem backwards. Lol. I know how to take care of a 5 year old just fine, but I skipped the baby part of it. Lol.
  • We aren't married yet but my fiance has an 8 yr old daughter and we have a 6 week old son.. I have been playing the mommy roll at our house for a little under 3yrs. It seems crazywhen we get married next may I'll be a 22yr old step mom to a 9 year old and my son will be a little over a year old
  • My bf has a son who is three almost four my parents live 12 hours away so have only met him in person once but have always included him they are excited for their first blood grand child but both of them are step parents so they don't really differentiate
  • My husband has a daughter with one woman but he hasn't seen her since she was 9 months old but they talk over Facebook. He also has a son and a daughter with his ex wife who are 12 and 10 respectively. I met his son last year and I've talked to his daughter on the phone. She made me a Mother's Day card! :D They're excited to have a baby brother in September.
    They're coming out this summer to see us and I'm sure my parents will love them. Our family is like that tho. One of my cousins isn't biologically my uncle's but we have always treated her like family. She's always been to family events and nobody thought twice. The baby I'm having is the first grandbaby but I think my mom and dad will treat my stepkids like family too.
  • I have been step-mom to my fiances almost three year old son since he was 14 months old. He calls me mommy tho. Im due in september with my first. Hes happy to be a big brother. He felt the baby kick the other night for the first time. Lol. The look on his face was priceless. It definately feels like im doing things backwards but it feels right :)
  • I understand where u coming from my honey has 2 other kids a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old this is my first and his third
  • Well I was already a mommy when I met my husband but my 5 year old considers him her dad. He has two other children the oldest being 16 and making us grandparents in Oct. our first child together he is due is Dec. Talk about ugh 34 and a grandma crap all of a sudden I'm really old!!! Lol
  • We're almost in the exact situation. My hubby has 8 year old twins. I've been fortunate enough to be in their lives since they were infants. I'm pregnant with "my first" but it feels strange to say that. This will be my parents first grandchild as well. It's a weird feeling, I know. I'm super excited though. The kids are so happy to have a sibling on the way and my parents are overjoyed! :D
  • Thanks for all the comments girls makes me feel not so strange. Its weird cause my other first time mom friends have the luxery of relaxing and getting used to all the body changes and I am like nope cant sleep in or lay in bed I got a 7 year old depending on me i just have to push through and use all my energy I dont have to take care of him luckily he lives with us only for the summer so by september I should be able to relax more.
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