anyone on team yellow anymore??
It seems like everyone is finding out what they are having! Anyone else an October Team Yellow, or any other month for that matter? Why are you ladies not finding out? And for anyone who reads this who knows the gender, why did you find out?? Just curious ;;)
The next baby we're no finding out. The trend in his family is that if you have a girl first, you're only gonna have girls & if you have a boy, you're only gonna have boys.
I just felt that I would enjoy that surprise, the Dr' holding the baby and saying congratulations it's a boy/girl!
Yes it has been a little difficult finding clothing in neutral. It's only in newborn and you don't need a lot of newborn clothing and cannot really buy anything in larger sizes in preparation that will all have to be done after baby is born which is fine by me though I know a lot of woman like to be completely prepared.
Hubby really wanted to know the gender but if he were told then I know he would wind up telling me so I made a deal where the next baby he can know the gender. I just want this first to be a surprise.