anyone on team yellow anymore??

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
It seems like everyone is finding out what they are having! Anyone else an October Team Yellow, or any other month for that matter? Why are you ladies not finding out? And for anyone who reads this who knows the gender, why did you find out?? Just curious ;;)


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  • Err well I know what I'm having but I'm sticking with yellow. Just in case of surprises lol.
  • edited June 2011
    I think it'd be fun to be team yellow but as a ftm with nothing a baby needs.. I chose to find out so we could prepare for what we now know is a girl. If I had a boy and girl and was pregnant again.. and still had some studded of both I'd probably be team yellow.
  • We planned on not finding out but then DH found out he was being deployed shortly before baby got here. It's my 2nd & his first, although I put my first up for adoption. We found out at our first ultrasound because he wanted to be able to paint the nursery & get EVERYTHING the baby needed before he left. Well we found out she's a girl & three days before hubby was due to deploy they cancelled his deployment, the day after that I went into labor.

    The next baby we're no finding out. The trend in his family is that if you have a girl first, you're only gonna have girls & if you have a boy, you're only gonna have boys.
  • I'm team yellow an October!
  • I only found out cos there was a debate between me and the farther and I kept referring to my belly as Adien Paxton while he kept calling it Hanna Grace. But I like yellow over pink anyways and I still think of myself as team green/
  • @mrz_jackson2anpreggo yahoo!!! Me too :) I'm not finding out because it is more exciting that way :) that, and I don't want just blue or ink which is what people tend to buy when you know what you're having....we will buy all our baby needs without knowing, girls don't really need a bath in a pink tub do they? ;) I am also a first time mom which is another reason I am not finding out :) my sil has a girl and if we have a girl she can send me the clothes she is holding after :) everyone looks at me weird when I say we aren't finding out, but women have had babies for hundreds of years without knowing and they seem prepared :) gooooo yellow :) and congrats to all of you mommies blue and pink so excited for all of us!! \:D/
  • Team yellow in october baby was breech with legs crossed so we couldn't see
  • I found out because patience is not one of my strengths. Plus, I needed to know if I had to spend the next five months learning how to deal with little black girl hair. Thankfully, I'm having a boy so I'm off the hook.
  • @blueberrysmom you are fabulous, always make me smile :) @2ndbutfirst I have to write down my weeks, I totally have preggo brain too! I found super cute creme and brown decor, can't decide elephant or lamb...seems random but they are both sooo cute! All the furniture is a dark stain to match the rest of the house :) I'm due Oct 17th...
  • edited June 2011
    Im team yellow! Due in november! Its just tradition here in ireland no1 really finds out gender for first child. I think not finding out makes it way more exciting..i cant wait for that moment that the doc delivers baby and tells me if boy or gir!!
  • @ashleyshplash I know what you mean, so exciting! @2ndbutfirst, I was thinking elephants too! I also have to remind my doc of stuff, just questions when does this happen etc...feels kinda weird :)
  • I am due October 3rd and I'm team yellow by choice!
    I just felt that I would enjoy that surprise, the Dr' holding the baby and saying congratulations it's a boy/girl!
    Yes it has been a little difficult finding clothing in neutral. It's only in newborn and you don't need a lot of newborn clothing and cannot really buy anything in larger sizes in preparation that will all have to be done after baby is born which is fine by me though I know a lot of woman like to be completely prepared. :)
    Hubby really wanted to know the gender but if he were told then I know he would wind up telling me so I made a deal where the next baby he can know the gender. I just want this first to be a surprise.
  • I found out because I was convinced I was having a girl and wanted confirmation before I started buying things. Good thing! I'm having a boy! He would have looked silly in dresses and bows! Besides, I shake Christmas presents. More power to you for holding out! That's some awesome restraint!
  • We ARE keeping the name a some things are left until Baby makes his way here!
  • I'm due Nov 29th &&find out July 14th. I was on team yellow til everyone tells mee we don't have the money to wait to find out just in case is a boy. So I'm only finding out sex to start shopping lil by lil. Breaks my heart since its one of the last surprises in life. ): ):
  • I'm due Oct 24th and we're not finding out. Though it was really hard on Friday when I had an ultrasound. We didn't find out with our first either. It was an amazing surprise when my son was born.
  • I'm due November with a boy! At first we where team yellow but I knew I was having a boy and I couldn't buy any boy things without being sure. I didn't want my daughter looking like a boy! And my family insisted they could not buy a thing because everything is either a boy or girl theme so I finally caved after trying to shop for the baby! And I got my hubby to cave as well lol he said no one was going to know what we where having before us!
  • I havefound super cute unised outfits made my Carter's all the way up to nine months....JCPenney always has them on sale and there is an outlet near my parents house...score :) I just figure this kiddo was a surprise so I will make the whole experience a surprise \:D/
  • @1sttimearmywife congrats! This is my 3rd I chose to wait becuz I already have a boy an a gurl an I jus think its going to be soooo exciting it jus gives u more to be excited about on that day!!
  • I'm due Oct.1st and team yellow! !! I just think it will be really cool when I have him/her and I hear "Congratulations its a ..."
  • It makes me so mad that when i go in babies r us i don't know what theme to buy but that all ends tomorrow I'm going to find out :-)
  • @2ndbutfirst I agree with you! Its possible to be completely ready for the baby even if you don't know what it is! My daughter lived in onzies for the first few months unless we went somewhere.
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