Doctor issues (GP) advice plz

edited February 2011 in Health
My GP told me that she is not going to help me anymore with my various health problems until my OB calls her. A little background: I have been seeing this doc for 2 years, she is not great, but she knows me and all my issues (most of which are pain related), she has NO bedside manner, etc. But again she knows me. I understand she doesn't want to give me anything that isn't safe, but that's what drug refrences are for.
Well my OB refuses to talk to her again because she's so harsh. So now I'm stuck. Migraine for 5 days and have nowhere to go and nothing at home I can take. And it will happen again, that's a given.
So I went through all that to ask this:
Do I...
Push my OB to call my GP
Find a new GP
Or just make an appointment with my OB and make her deal with it

I refuse to suffer the next 20 weeks. This stress cannot be good for my baby girl.


  • Can't your ob write a note to your gp giving her permission to write you a script? Then no one has to talk to no one? That sounds like a real pain in the ass! I'd be just as frustrated! My gp is my maternity doc as well. I go to a family office so they do all of it. Been going there since 15 or 16 yrs old, so they def know me!
  • Id say go straight to your ob. Obviously your gp doesn't want to have anything to do with your treatment during your pregnancy, so just go around her for now.
  • I would just deal with your ob and find a new doc after your pregnancy. You shouldn't have to feel like crap cuz your doc is jerk. You can have your medical files transferred to your new doc so he/she gets what's going on. Good luck
  • Has anyone had this swine flu jab i'm a bit worried about having incase I misscarrie etc
  • Thank you everyone. I have an appointment 3/1. Hopefully my Ob agrees to treat me for my other issues outside of my baby. Wish me luck! If she wont I'm going to try to find a family doc that does everything like @katlilly
    Have I mentioned how much the ladies on this app rock!!!
  • Truly it is Ur obs responsibility to care for all of your needs during Ur pregnancy, as the have studied what meds are safe in pregnancy. If Ur is uncomfortable and its early in Ur pregnancy u may consider a diff ob. If its easier to switch gps then try to find one with experience in caring for preggo moms.
  • @aelam1 I'm 20 weeks, so I dunno what to do. If she tells me to go to the er for every migraine I'm going to have to find a new Ob. I was put on a drug seeker list with my last pregnancy because my Ob then said to go to the er instead of her managing my issues. It's not like there's nothing she can prescribe.
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