pregnancy dos n.donts

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Is it bad to lay on ur back when ur pregnant ?


  • Only after a certain point. Once the baby gets big enough it caN cut off all circulation to your legs if you lay on ur back too long.
  • The books say left side is the best way to lay. Of course maybe tmi but during. Sex its still ok to lay on ur back.
  • Ok thank you
  • Omg, lol, I'm sorry I thought this post said pregnancy donuts, I got so excited. It gets too uncomfortable to lay on your back eventually so its easy to avoid, but even in the hospital you will be on your back so its not forbidden just recommended for mothers health...
  • I thought the same thing. And as for layin on ur back, I read that the weight from ur belly when it gets bigger will put too much weight on ur back and organs so it won't be comfy or good for u...I'm at that point now...and I miss sleepin on my stomach grrr
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