Antibiotics :(

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I am 30 weeks with my first baby, its a boy :) I saw my obgyn last week and told her my "lady area" had been itching like crazy/burning and it turns out I have bv...great. She put me on flagyl for a week. Then she tells me that the results of my previous labs had come in and that I have Lime Disease...WHAT? so aparently I got bit by a tick last summer which made me super sick but no one could figure out what was wrong with me...well they finally figured it out. I was relieved to have a diagnosis and to know that lime disease would not affect my baby but its just alot to take in. So my obgyn ended up perscribing me with flagyl (2 for 7 days for the bv) and amoxicillin ( a day for 21 days), needless to say I broke down and cried. I mean i barely like to take tylenol and now I had to take all these nasty antibiotics. After a looooong talk with my dr and later the pharmacist I worked up the courage to take them but i feel guilty every time I do. I dont know what I will do if anything happens to my baby because of these stupid meds. Baby is still active and nothing seems to have changed since I started taking them but I am still worried. Any one else out there taking anything your not comfortable with?


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  • Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle Thanks :) i know its worse if I dont take them because if something were to happen then I really would never forgive myself. Ill keep taking them and hope to god everything turns out ok...
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  • I was supriced to hear it does not affect the baby, they said in some very rare cases lime disease will get to the baby but not likely, still my Dr did not want to take any chances and gave me the amoxicillin. Dr. made sure to explain everything because I really was not willing to take them but I know its for the best. Ill be going in on friday and they will check me and the baby so ill get some peace of mind then. I also have an ultrasound coming up the 28th of this month.
  • edited June 2011
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  • Geez that is crazy... but I'm sure glad they were able to catch what it was finally. I recently watched a special on lyme! Tough stuff, so take care if yourself for that baby. I know that its scary during pregnancy but just remember that you are taking care of yourself for your baby... you'd never want your health to get bad for your baby. Good luck Hun... prayers your way!!!
  • Sorry that my comment was a mess! Haha I'm doing it on my phone and its a pain in the butt... didn't mean to repeat myself!! Durrrr. You take care though girly!
  • YES; I'm 30weeks also n'I was just prescribed some Antibiotics during the week &nd I've been staring at the pill bottle for 3days now, cause I'm terrified to take them ..I don't wanna harm the baby, but I do wanna get better. So I'm gonna trust my Doc & start taking them tomorrow I guess shoot. :(
  • you guys are the best, i feel less guilty about taking them already. By the way, my lime disease symptoms are almost completely gone since i started taking amoxicillin! crazy hu? My knees are still alittle stiff in the morning sometimes but other than that Im almost good as new (well as new as I can feel while being pregnant :D)
  • I had bv when I was like 10 weeks and my doc prescribed flagyl. After I took it, I read the little info thingy that comes with the pills and it said not to take it during your first trimester but it didn't cause any harm to my baby and plus I needed some relief!
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  • SingleSexy1stTimeMom Good luck with the antibiotics, they are scary but it has to get done :( ill keep you in my prayers.

    Tootie08 yeah they told me since I was in my third trimester it was safe, thank god your baby is ok, i hope mine will be too
  • gatorbob: thanks for the advice! ill definetly finish them off :)
  • @noahsmommy_21 , Thanx! &nd I'll be sure to keep you in mines as well. :)
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