hormones or would you be pissed?
So today is fathers day right? And fathers day is where fathers spend time with their kids and families right? That's what made them able to celebrate this day to begin with.... anyways today my husband has not done shit with our son... what we did do with him I had to convince him to do.... I'm 28 weeks pregnant with his daughter and not once today has he even acknowledge that I was pregnant.. actually other than yelling at me telling me he doesn like to hear how I'm feeling (I've been having a lot of pressure in my va j j area and have been telling him about it) and he yelled at me this morning when I told him it hurts down there saying he doesn't like to hear that... anyways now its 9o'clock at night and he picks up and leaves to go to his aunts house after not saying a word to me for the last 4 hours.... I'm having an emotional breakdown, I have no family here and I'm really hurt by how he's been acting today.... am I being over emotional or would you feel this way too? I need some help bc I cannot even think, I'm crying my eyes out by how hurt I am by him today. Not to mention our son had a fit when he left bc he wanted to go with daddy