Labor symptoms..

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
What were your symptoms before going into labor??


  • With my 1st my hands and feet got swollen and i was extremely exhausted. Obviously things like losing ur mucus plug also.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Just curious... With my other 3 pregnancies, my water NEVER broke on its own. Do y'all think that means it wont this time either? I mean, I know every pregnancy is different, but...
  • I wish my water would just break already.. I'm 38 weeks and sooooo tired of not having a day when there is something wrong. Tonight I started getting BAD pains in my bladder like I can barely walk or anything. And having menstraul cramps. my feet are swollen an my headache won't go away.
  • Lower back ache/cramps. Feeling 'uneasy' & twitchy all morning. Very low abdomen cramps. That's litterally it, lol. I had no other indication!
  • I really wish you would just go to l&d or at least call them. I am really worried that something might be wrong. I wish you would take my word. Please at least call. @havin_a_girl.
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