22 month old and potty training

edited June 2011 in Parenting
Hello mommies! I need you opinion. My son was using his potty for #1 for the past month but then my mom had him for the weekend. And after we took him back he refuses to use potty as if it is a punishment to him, he starts yelling "no". Is it possible that my mom overdid it by trying to make him use it? Because he was very excited and looked forward to do it each time,but not anymore :(


  • Sounds like it, maybe she yelled at him to go and not made it a fun thing.. Just start back up in the morning, with rewards and a cool potty song ;)
  • Could be. My mother in law tries to make my son go. He's been using the potty for six months and will tell you when he has to go, or just runs in there and goes. She's always telling him he needs to go and he says no. Maybe your mother is pushing him when he doesn't need to...
  • could be just that ur back n je missed u n doesn't want to waste time on potty give him a week or 2 n start over hell get it sooner or later
  • I think it's very likely that she pushed him, and also that if he had an accident, she may have shamed him for it. I wouldn't let him stay with her again unless she's willing to do it your way... and even then, I would still wait until he's completely trained.
  • The problem is my mom would never do anything my way. Sad enough she has no respect for my opinion and treats me like a little girl(28), and if I don't obey I am bad girl, but its off the subject, just wanted to share... so, there's no way she would do it the way I do :(
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