yeast infection

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im pretty sure I've got a yeast infection. What is the best otc med for this?


  • Do not take the tablets very bad for baby get the pesairy and cream that's the only thing you can use when pregnant. If your in the UK You need a prescription there not allowed to sell it to you prescriptions are free so saves your pennys.
  • Im exactly the same ive got a funny smell there to. Goin to midwife today to see what I can do x
  • My place down there is just extremely irritated. I got the three day cream from the drugstore. I feel better already.
  • Go to the doctor to have it properly diagnosed. Yeast isnt harmfull to baby (just annoying to mom), however a bacterial infection can have same symptoms and be VERY HARMFULL TO BABY EVEN CAUSING RUPTURED MEMBRANES, PRETERM DELIVERY, OR MISCARRIAGE.
  • Go to doctor I had one 5 weeks ago she gave the vest meds for pregnant women
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