Ultra sound

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
They did a surprise ultrasound on me yesterday. Iam suspost to be 7weeks they saw the sack but they said it was to earler to see anything else,is that normal. Everyone says im being paranode,cause we lost a baby in july.


  • Yes! He did an ultrasound on me also around the same time cuz I have too much pain....all he saw was the lining was thinker...said there was something cooking!! Don't worry! Things will be k!!
  • It will be too small to detect, in the next few weeks your baby will grow alot bigger, you haven't got long until your around 12 weeks for your first scan :) x
  • Thanks guys I was just worried I had a mole pregancy and lost it in july. But today I started bleeding some . Called the doctor they said to not worry about.
  • edited January 2011
    Are u sure about your dates and how far along u are? You should see something by 7 weeks hun. Hope your dates are off. Fingers crossed
  • By something I mean a yolk sac. I'm guessing you might be off I'm it dates a new scan in a week will make all the difference
  • Im hoping I was off on the dates I remember around the 6 of dec. Cause it was our wedding ann. And we renewed our wedding vows.they saw the sack.it was a new machine and they were learning to use it.
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