thick mommys when were u

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
At what week we're u at your pre pregnancy weight? I'm in my 28th week n today Dr said I'm back to pre pregnant weight doing great he said but only allowed 10lb from this point on lol


  • Omg thats good iv gained +30 lbs this whole pregnancy n I'm only 28 weeks .......thats not cool....... talking about some one have major work to do after I have my little prince.
  • I gained 27 lbs during pregnancy. In now 6 days past delivery and have lost 15 pounds of it already!
  • I was 11lbs lighter pre pregnancy weight when I gave birth
  • Wow! I've gained 26 lbs so far. And 27 weeks =/
  • Plus size women can have increased problems with gestational diabetes and high blood pressure ..... don't worry if your doing good now you will probably b fine through the rest of your pregnancy. I don't think he is trying to be rude at all only cautious.
  • We honestly shouldn't gain more then 20 pounds the who pregnancy.
  • Oh yea I'm 27 weeks n gained 5 pounds 2 of which is the baby.
  • I've heard many different "suggested" weight gains for large pregnant women, a few of which all from 1 obgyn office. My weight gain did not complicate my pregnancy in any way. I think a lot is the providers preference.
  • I didn't feel he was rude at all Lol I was amazed for first time in my life I was told I was doing good. My first two pregnancys I gained 85-100 lb so I'm not use to this but I'm excited
  • In the beginning I was 301 n told my limit was 17lb I lost 10-15lb up n down n yesterday I was 300 at 4pm Lol I only weigh myself in am so this am I'm 298 so I really do hope I keep it under 10lb this is the biggest ive ever been but had more issues my last two Lol n for being this big I have to say I'm actually well friend said oh u aren't that big n didn't believe me until I got on scale lol
  • I am 33 weeks and one gained 57 pounds!
  • edited June 2011
    I'm 20 weeks and up 5-7 lbs...depending on the day. My doc told me no more than 20-25 lbs, but whatever the baby needed was fine with her as long as I wasn't visiting the bakery every I've been eating better than ever and exercising every day for 30-60 mins and I'm still gaining. With my first I was up 25 lbs by 20 weeks, so I'm doing better. Good for you ladies who are keeping it under control! :)
  • Im 26 wks I lost 30 lbs due to morning sickness and have gained 6 lbs back so far so im happy with that and my ob said I can gain 10lbs on what I weighed before the morning sickness but im hoping I keep most of it off
  • I'm 22 weeks and still at my pre preg weight. I'll gain 4lbs one month then lose 6 pounds the next. I just hope I keep it this way!
  • I'm 33 weeks and still weigh less than I did when I got pregnant! My doctor says the baby is doing great so they don't bug me about my weight at all.
  • @mommyfesha im the same way. I lost weight from when i went to my first pg app. Dr said its fine and babys fine.. i know this app ill gain weight.. im waiting to see though lol
  • Im 23wks and i go to the dr tomorrow but at my appt 2wks ago i was still -1lbs from my pre-preg weight. I started at 232 and i went down to 228 and was back to 231. My dr didn't give me a suggested weigh gain. But they aren't concerned at all cause i have really gained much at all. Only 16+6 to go til im due
  • After my i had my first baby i lost total of 34lbs. Now with my 2nd im 16 weeks and lost 16lbs so far. Its all because of morning sickness and this time around my doctors are very concerned since i just had my daughter last year in december and im due in december again.
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  • I lost 36lbs 3 months b4 getting preggo..then another 10 in my 1st trimester w morning sickness now i am 32wks 3 days and up only I figure I'm. Still 24lbs lighter than 3 monthsbefore geting prgers and I am alllllll belly pre maternity jeans are too big! In te butt thights ect weird what ur body does. Gvood luck girls!
  • im 27 weeks tomorrow and im down 10 lbs from pre preg weight...i hope I stay under that until delivery
  • Im 37 weeks n i was 219 before i got pregnant and now i weigh 198.
  • Im 37 weeks n i was 219 before i got pregnant and now i weigh 198.
  • Last time, I lost 25 lbs and only gained back 24 by the time I delivered, but I went home from the hospital almost 30 lbs lighter...too bad I couldn't keep it off, lol!! This time, I am down 14 lbs at 22 weeks, but I feel like I'll start gaining soon, since I'm finally finished with the morning sickness.
  • I'm 38 weeks and I'm -15 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight. I plan on leaving the hospital and have dropped 12 pounds from delivery along with my -15

    that'll make me -27 of my pre-pregnancy weight. Yeeeeah!
  • I was 176 pre pregnancy I'm 23w5d and have gained 14 pounds : (
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