1 hour glucose...tomorrow

Hey Ladies,
So I've been reading mainly horror stories about the glucose testing and how the drink made some girls feel, it can even make you pass out? Anyways I am absolutely terrified of fainting. I've always had a phobia of it. I also have hypoglycemia. I'm hoping this doesn't effect the results any.

Any advice or non horror stories?



  • It has made me sick but I learned to walk
    around dont sit it will make it worst
  • @baby2ontheway thanks..I would but while waiting for my hour to be up I will be having an ultrasound. Hope I don't vomit!
  • That would suck I hate it but the drink doesnt taste to bad if u like orange pop good luck
  • I have mine this Friday and I kinda don't wanna do it! To be honest I don't remember having to do it with my first (6yrs ago)?!? Oh well, guess we'll see..good luck!
  • The one hour is fine. The 3 hour one sucks big time. Like others say walk around and bring a snack for right after ur hour is up
  • Mine went fine...drank the orange stuff they game me...it was really strong and kinda tasted like Orange cough medicine...it made me feel a little sick to my stomach but other than that it was pretty easy going...good luck
  • Thanks guys! I'm not too worried about feeling nauseaous just the whole passing out thing. I'm sure I'm over thinking it and it'll be okay.

    Thank you!
  • It wasn't as bad as I thought. I just did mine on Friday and to me it tasted like flat Orange sunkist. I felt a little queasy but nothing too bad.
  • @Misssunflower
    I had mine on friday and to me it's not as bad as my step mom made it out to be! Mine just tasted like extra sweet sprite but a lil thicker and yes it's yucky but it's definetly tolerable. I was fine after, just felt a lil funny like I had a sugar rush and felt hyper. I'm sure you'll be okay and won't faint so dont worry!;)
  • @mumsie26 thanks babe. I think half my problem is reading horror stories. I can eat sugar with the best of em so hopefully the drink will be easy! When will you know if you passed?
  • @Misssunflower
    oh no problem!:) yes reading bad stories about certain things never help! Especially when it's something your going to have to go threw to! my step mom made me a lil nervous the way she described it but then I just relaxed and remembered everyone is different and shes really dramatic! Lol the results go to your doc within 3 days I think they will only call if something is wrong though otherwise you'll hear about it at your next appointment.
  • I was literally worried about that as well from reading that it can make you lightheaded.. and I fear of passing out also.. but trust me its not that bad.. I took it last week and it just made me a little tired.. so if I can make it through it I'm sure you can lol and I passed! :) good luck I'm sure you'll do fine
  • @metalmommytobe thanks hun! That is reassuring. I feel so silly freaking out about passing out but I've always been petrified of it. Did you have to fast? I don't so I think that'll help :)
  • Your welcome! They say you don't have to fast for the 1 hour one.. but I tried and failed lol I ended up having a bowl of cereal a few hours before the test.. but I was still worried, but luckily passed! :p and trust me passing out is one of my main fears.. not to mention I get bad panic attacks that make me feel like I'm going to. It sucks! But you will be alright, now the 3 hour one I can't promise you anything haha
  • I would personally pick the fruit punch one, it wasn't that bad tasting. All the horror stories freaked me out too, but it tasted like old koolaid, never made me sick or dizzy. You can eat and drink before it, try not really sugary stuff so it doesn't effect the test. Honestly its not as bad as everyone makes it and if they don't call you're in the clear. No news is good news. I wouldn't stress too much :)
  • @metalmommytobe I posted on your page
    @akmommy thank you hun! I am definitely avoiding all sweets today. Hopefully it'll go well.

    I'll let everyone know how it went. My poor husband is sick of my worrying.
  • I have mine on Wednesday.I'm kinda excited!
  • @excitedforbaby well that's a new one. I've never heard of anyone being excited before! Hahaha. I hope its all you've dreamed of :)
  • Lol! I just had mine yesterday. If you can, get the fruit punch. It's super sweet, and almost vile, but it at least doesn't taste like cough meds. xP Kinda made me dizzy, and somewhat very sleepy, but otherwise I was fine. They let me go wherever I wanted in the hospital, as long as I stayed close or my mom stayed with me. It was funny, though. One of the nurse ladies was sitting close by, watching my face as I drank it. As soon as I finished, she said "Yeah, it'd taste better if it had some vodka in it." Which definitely made me smile. lol. Oh, and it's carbonated! So that was unexpected and kinda weird. lol.
  • Lol....well what can I say? Then Ill get to my 30w appt. Next.just means I'm getting closer
  • That's true!! This is my 28 week appt. So exciting!
  • I dont have mine for another two weeks but I hope mine goes as well as all of your stories! I have to fast before mine, they told me I cant walk around the hospital, anddd im going alone :( but question... How much of the liquid do you have to drink?!
  • So....why the hell did I worry so much? Sure the drink was a little icky but other than that it was fun. My husband said I was talking to much so I think it got me a little loopy. Also, had an ultrasound my lil man is a giant I am 28 weeks 4 days and he weighs 3lbs5oz I hope that doesn't mean I have GD.

    thanks again girls! Xx
  • Fun? I meant fine. LOL
  • That's weird that some people are told to fast and some aren't. I had to fast for 12 hrs and I did about 10. My appt was on Friday and I just got my results and I failed! Boo to that. Now I have to go take the 3 hr.
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