horse ridding

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Is it ok to go horse ridding while pregnant? Im 5 weeks gone and ive done horse ridding since i was 5. I dont know whether or not ill be ok. Need some help on this one. 8->


  • I dont think its ok because u could fall off not saying u will but u could also call ur doctor or a health line and ask
  • Yeah i did think about the fallin off. I might phone my doctor in the mornin an see what ge says. I dont want t give it up cuz im scared that i wont have time after baby is born t go but at the same time baby is way more important.
  • My doctor told me I couldn't even be on a riding lawn mower
  • I would not ride a horse while pregnant. I also understand why not to ride a riding lawn mower. I would assume that your child will suffer from shaking baby syndrome even while in the womb. Horses shake your body much more violently then a lawn mower so its best that you take a break from riding.
  • I went sled riding when I was preggo with my daughter and shes fine but got cussed out by everybody lol but I dont see any harm in that but riding any animal I think is a risk good luck in ur pregnancy
  • I feel your pain! I've been riding and training horses all my life but I'm scared to ride even tho I'm only 7 weeks. As long as you ride something well broke and on flat ground and only at a walk things should be fine. My mom rode with me until she was 8 months and she was chasing and hearding cattle and i turned out fine :)
  • Thanks guys. Iv got a docs appointment tmrw so im gonna talk to my doctor about it. Ill let u all know what he says. X
  • Definitely no horseback riding. I've been riding horses my whole life too, I'm 11 weeks, can't even go take my horse out of her stall. I wouldn't take a chance if I were you. You never know when you could get kicked just when grooming. Good luck.
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