funny things that happen to pregos.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I pissed my paints twice in one day. The went through a whole roll of toliet paper in one night.


  • Farted and blamed it on the
  • Haha I woke myself up in the middle of the night cuz I farted so laud lol
  • I have suchhh a bad problem with gas! And I can not control it for the life of me. So if me and my fiancee are out in public, I'll tell him if I feel like I'm gonna belch, or pass gas, and he'll somehow make it look like it was him to spare me embarrassment. Lol.
  • Lol. Havnt done that yet but when my man does it I start gagin. It smells so bad now.
  • Oh god, I know what you mean!
  • When I sneeze I pee a little lol it sucks I have horrible allergys too
  • I had a dream I was going to the bathroom and actually peed the bed
  • I cry when i am hungry. Even in restaurnts if the waiter takes too long. It sucks,but I cant help it. it almost fees like the fetus is beating me up from the inside and biting me when i wait too long to eat. I can almost hear them saying "B*tch, feen me!!! Im not playing with you!"jk. But seriously i have a very demanding seed.
  • Ive gottn to were I cant hold my I wait until tha last minute to as im runnin to tha bathroom im tricklin pee and have to end up peeing like a dude standing
  • Omgosh, glad I am not the only one.. lmbo
  • I pee myself when I sneeze too.and the more babies u have the weaker ur muscles get im preg wit #5 so muscles r really weak I pee myself from sneezing even when im not preg bc muscles have become so weak :-(
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