so hurt, i know shes only 14 but i wanna ring her neck!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So M-F I take my baby sister who is only 14 to and from drivers ed. We are pretty close considering our age difference, but I don't know its Just weird I guess. There are a lot of things she doesn't know. So today were on our way home and out of no where she says ur baby isn't wanted. I look at her in shock and say what!?! She then proceeds to tell me that I never wanted my baby blah blah blah. My 1st reaction is to hit her!! Honest to God I've never gone into a rage like that b4 but I calmly take a couple breaths and try to explain to her That yes when I found out I was prego I was in shock and yes I was upset. I had just lost my job! (DH and I had secretly been TTC for almost 3 years with no luck at all not even a late AF) and all the sudden POOF!! I have this amazing Lil creature growing inside me. But it was at the worst possible Moment. How was I supposed to feel?!? Needless to say my Lil sister just doesn't understand. And she only know That I have been told due to medical issue that I.can't have kids and that the baby was yes technically a surprise. But to think and say I don't/ never wanted my son!!!! I can only imagine what the rest of my family is saying behind my back. I'm so upset all I can do is lay here n cry. N now my Lil sis is upset because I always spend the rest of the day with her till DH comes home (3 extra hours) but today I just had to get away from her.


  • Almost the same thing happened to me. My fiance' and I were TTC for 5 or 6 months with no results. Right when he gets laid off, we find out we're pregnant. So, we moved in with his parents, and then with mine to find a good paying job. Well, we were absolutely stressed to the max, and my 17 year old sister is going to tell me if I wouldn't have opened my legs I wouldn't be in this position. I could've killed her with a good heart at that point. Then, the following week, she's got the nerve to say she wants to be the nanny of my baby. Not a chance in hell. I basically ignored her from then on, and made her feel as immature as she acted.
  • I had the same issue with my sister but she was 17. I let her know how i felt and we havent really talked since. its been almost two years.
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  • I did tell her it upset me and to NEVER say my baby was not wanted again. And I'm sure she feels bad. But I honestly don't know how I'm gonna deal with her tomorrow. She supposed to even come to my 34 week appointment with my n hubby to hear his heartbeat but right now I don't even wanna look at her let alone allow her in the room for my Dr appointment. @ll10

    @babyMcBride8_27 I really don't know where her comments came from. She is not a mean person and never has been. And her tone was so... simple matter of fact. That it was just like a slap in the face.
  • I dont think ur sis was trying to b mean she is only 14 just talk to her.... And tell her how it made u feel.
  • She probably saying what she heard
  • yeah its a lesson kids need to learn. Don't let her go to that appointment with you and I would keep it short with her when you do see her. SHe needs to know saying stuff like that to people has consequences and that you aren't just going to get over it overnight.
  • @zexy4da011 that's what I'm thinking aswell. But she wont tell me if That is the case cuz she would rather me be upset with her then go off on someone else. She knows I love her no matter what but she knows I wont put up with the rest of my families BS. The last time my mom talked shit and I confronted her about it I was no longer allowed to.have contact with my Lil sister. It lasted about 6 months. Till my mom wanted something and tried to act all buddy buddy. ( she is my neighbor)
  • @ll10 she has to come cuz I have to take her to drivers ed right after. Not enough time to drive to Dr, back home to get her, then back to town. I think shell Just stay in the lobby. And hubby can deal with her.
  • Well, your baby is wanted. And he will be beautiful.
  • Well thats y she wanted you to know what was being said and she also didn't want you to flip and caused everybody to be mad at her or 4 them to seperate yall. Regardless how much you say you won't tell them she didn't say it they will know or they will find out n they will keep her from you
  • @fate thank u! I never knew I could love something/someone so much until I knew I was pregnant. And it only gets stronger every day! I'm sure Its only a feeling a nother mother can understand.
  • @zexy4da011 that is pretty much it. She made it very clear the 1st time I saw her again that she couldn't stand to not have me around. My mom n step dad fight a lot and he's a drinker. So I tend to be her xscape from their house.
  • Yea so don't be to mad at her she just letting you know wats being said but do explain to her that things like that hurts n to refrain from telling you certain stuff she is fourteen but not all fourteen yr olds r rude and to grown 4 their age
  • You are so right. She will understand when she becomes a mother someday. But I've known aunties to be just as attached to their sissy's baby. Who knows, she may have a grand attachment to her nephew when it's all said and done. ;)
  • @Fate I'm sure she will. Hubby came home and we ended up talking about it. I think he is right he he said basically that she didnt know or understand the real meaning of her words. He thinks that she ment that our son was a suprise. but It just came out wrong. Which may very well be true. As of right now i'm just gonna try to forget what she said. Even if she was only repeating what she has herd others say, it doesnt matter cuz hubby and I know how much our son is truely loved and wanted.
  • Good. :) And I think it's wise to just forget about it. But if it happens again, be sure to reinforce to her that it's not ok to talk about your baby like that.
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