so hurt, i know shes only 14 but i wanna ring her neck!
So M-F I take my baby sister who is only 14 to and from drivers ed. We are pretty close considering our age difference, but I don't know its Just weird I guess. There are a lot of things she doesn't know. So today were on our way home and out of no where she says ur baby isn't wanted. I look at her in shock and say what!?! She then proceeds to tell me that I never wanted my baby blah blah blah. My 1st reaction is to hit her!! Honest to God I've never gone into a rage like that b4 but I calmly take a couple breaths and try to explain to her That yes when I found out I was prego I was in shock and yes I was upset. I had just lost my job! (DH and I had secretly been TTC for almost 3 years with no luck at all not even a late AF) and all the sudden POOF!! I have this amazing Lil creature growing inside me. But it was at the worst possible Moment. How was I supposed to feel?!? Needless to say my Lil sister just doesn't understand. And she only know That I have been told due to medical issue that I.can't have kids and that the baby was yes technically a surprise. But to think and say I don't/ never wanted my son!!!! I can only imagine what the rest of my family is saying behind my back. I'm so upset all I can do is lay here n cry. N now my Lil sis is upset because I always spend the rest of the day with her till DH comes home (3 extra hours) but today I just had to get away from her.
@babyMcBride8_27 I really don't know where her comments came from. She is not a mean person and never has been. And her tone was so... simple matter of fact. That it was just like a slap in the face.