Well had my appt today. I had lost a pound since last week and my blood pressure was up. Now having to be monitored closer... ugh I'm just ready for him to get here! How's all my other 37 week peeps doing?
I have my appointment on Thursday I'm also having a boy. This is my third pregnancy and its taken its toll on me I'm ready to have this little guy. I want to try to induce him naturally.
Yes he is beating me up. My poor right hip and left rib cage has had about all it can take... I have been at 1 1/2 cm since 35 weeks and no change today. I'm sure they will have to induce since they had to with my first. Except this time he said we will plan it for my 39th week instead of my 41st... I didn't want to induce last time kept hoping it would happen eventually but nothing...
Had my 37 week appointment 2 cm already,,,, got checked at noon and still having some red discharge,,, called the doc and left a message but havent got a answer back,, its 8 pm now so if its still going on at 10 im going to go to the hospital and see what they say,,,,, but im so ready for my lil boy to get here already
Ummm today I had my iron checked again along with all the normal checkups and a vaginal exam to check for dilation and thinning of the cervix. It's a little uncomfortable to be checked but not too bad... @MrsLaMaster you are doing better than me with your progress. Gl with everything.