can they tell you gender of baby at 13 eeeks

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I'm.having my ultrasound sound at thirteen weeks and was wondering if this is to soon to tell the gender of the baby


  • Most wont tell you incase they get it wrong, but google 13w gender scans, see if you can tell for urself :D xx
  • im not sure but the us teck who did my 13week us wouldnt tell me, she said u cant tell yet...but I am going to a private ultrasound place who says they can give u gender confirmation as early as 15 weeks!
  • I had one at 13 weeks and two techs told me it was a boy. Of course they said the baby is still small so its not 100%, but they said they were pretty sure
  • Ok thanks I was hoping they would be able to tell me, so what's the earliest they can tell ?
  • It depends on the position of the baby, legs might be tucked or what not .but I think usually around 16 -20 weeks you would find out. Im sure sometined its earlier sometimes later...most docs try to wait till later so they don't make a mistake!
  • Ok thanks a bunch
  • We seen the nib at my 13weeks Nut as ultra sound guy said if Ur hormones are high the nib (clitrious) will sit higher making it look like a doodle even at 20 weeks hormones can make.girls look like boys
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