shocked to find I was pregnant

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I found out 2 weeks ago that I was pregnant but to say I was shocked was an understatement!!! My partner and I decided to start tryin in november so therefore I came off bc. I bled like normal all thru november december up until end of jan!! It was last week of jan and for that week I constantly felt as though I had intajestion and constantly had t take my bra off. I didnt think for 1 min I was preggers as I had done like 2 tests a month sayin negative and was gettin a normal period. On the monday I went for a shower and threw up everywhere so I knew summit was wrong. I googled my symptoms and each said test for pregnancy, I had a period 3 days before hand but thought to rule it out incase. I done a digital blue test (best one by far) n low and behold it said 3+ weeks!! Which accordin to the leaflet I was over 5 weeks gone, I ran to the shop to get a 2nd n it said the same thing! I made an appointment for the following day and there doc said I am 8 weeks gone !!!! Since that day my life has changed. I didnt think this day would come. Im 23 and about to be a mummy!!! Aaaaa lol good to all thosee who r tryin xxxx


  • Awww congrats hunni :) xxxx
  • Thank u oooo hee hee xx
  • Congrats! What test is that? It actually tells you how far along you are?
  • Lmaoo and @mrsdelrae its a clearblue digital I don't know if america have them though but they should have 1 simmiler and it tells u how many weeks gone u r there about £20+
  • Lol, nevermind, I Googled it. (Gosh, what would we have done years & years ago before Google existed?!) They seem to be a UK thing, in the US we don't have them, but they seem pretty neat. But, I'm 14+ weeks anyway, it says it only goes up to 5wks (says 5+ when you test) I thought it would be a cool thing to do to see how accurate it is. Hope you're feeling well :)
  • Yeah it goes to 5+ weeks but doc had to go by my last sexual activity as both me and my partner both work offshore and the last time we saw each other was the 27th of dec so I would have had to concieve before then and not by my last period as I was still bleedin in jan lol. Get scan on 28th of feb so thay will give me a better idea xx
  • I used one of them they are expensive though lol i did 2 tesco ones and a superdrug one but didn't believe them haha
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