This heartburn is driving me insane (anyone has any tips on how to get rid of it)

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I seriously dont know what to do anymore, the heartburn is driving me nuts.. is bad enough to even cause pain sometimes. Ladies please give me some tips on how to get rid of it :(


  • Milk always help mine!
  • I had the same problem. I was told to drink a glass of milk and it actually helped.
  • edited June 2011
    @Newmommy_NavyWife @newmomma15 I hate milk but ill give it a try.. ill try anything if it might go away
  • I has it so bad one night I was in tears. I ate bread, a banana, and vanilla ice cream and felt so much better. Note sure if the food was the reason. But I do know that zantac is perfectly safe. My doctor told me I can take it twice a day so I've been doing that now and haven't had heartburn again.
  • What about soda and burp a lot.that's what my mom did and she had it bad!
  • @mollybygolly if the milk advice doesnt work ill try zantac then, i wanted to keep it as natural as possible.. but the heartburn just has me in tears most of the times
  • I take Prilosec if it gets bad...but normally every night before bed I have a glass of milk.
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  • The only thing that helped me was carbonated water (Perrier). I had them stocked! :)
  • Tums is full of Calcium. I take one or two and within 2 minutes, I feel much better. I do have Zantac in my glovebox for emergencies though.
  • Milk, tums, cola, and not laying down right after a meal helped me a bit. In the end, I needed a prescription.
  • :o I guess milk it is :D -pinches nose-
  • try some TUMS, MYLANTA, and avoid things that causes acid reflux: TEAS, SODAS, Tomatoes, even the pasta sauce, and OJ , onions, and spicy foods!. Just some of the few items that may be in ur diet. hope that helps.
  • It does help if you burp though.
  • edited June 2011
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  • ladies thanks for the advices :D Ill try the milk and if it doesnt work ill go down the list .. i need to get rid of this heartburn
  • Good luck....yah I refuse any medicine (except preparation h when I had a hemmorhoid flare up)

    But milk and sitting upright helps me. And try drinking a glass of milk or eating a banana prior to eating bc it coats your tummy.
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