33 weeks & ready to pop

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im 33 weeks and im ready for my baby to come out already. I know its still early but I cant wait anymore. Anyone else feeling this way


  • Definitely! I'm 34 weeks and 2 days so I want them out! This is my second baby, and we don't know the sex, so makes me more anxious. :-) Plus my son was born at 38 weeks so I don't know if I could handle going overdue. Hold in there ladies! We'll have our babies soon :L
  • theyve told me that since its my first that I could either have my son 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late. I really hope its 2 weeks early. I wonder what my dr would say if I ask him to induce me early? :)
  • Lol @noah__mommy_08 he would probably say no.....the longer your babys in the womb the healthier he will be hang in there the first one is fun cuz you get to experience everything for the first time.
  • Im only 27 weeks n I've had enough this is my thid pregnancy in 4 yrs theres not been a single day I've not been pregnant or breastfeeding na honestly I'm just exhausted I jusy want 2yo habe this baby na get on with life, be able 2 chase my kids na have fun with them, my oldest starts school next yr n I feel his missing out but I'm sure it will all work out :) 13weeks 2 go lol
  • I'm 38 weeks and I'm so over being prego...I asked my Dr to induce me and he agreed to on tues, now I'm super excited.
  • I'm 33 weeks also almost 34 weeks and I'm ready to have him lol but I know its better for his health to stay in there :-) best wishes to all
  • Did anyone know u can get ur membranes scraped its a natural induction with out medication my Dr did it with my 3rd child hope I can get it done again at the 39th week
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