high temp and at work what should i do



  • Waiting on the doctor to come see me. I hope he/she doesn't take forever. I about to pass out on the hospital stretcher.
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  • They should see you straight away as you and the baby are a high priority.
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  • @Mama_Kat the baby seems to be doing well she was flipping and rolling when they did my ultrasound to check her heart. They gave 1000mg of tyenol to bring my temp down which is at 101.5 which is the same when I first got here. And a baby dose of morphine to take the pain on my right side away. They think I have a kidney stop or my appendix is might have to come out which is not good. But their pretty sure its a kidney stone.
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  • Ooh I'm sorry to hear it might be stones those suck I was hospialized 2 times my last pregnancy with them spent a total of 24 days in. I've gotten them evey 8 to 10 months since. I hope you feel better and pass them soon. Mine was so big they wanted to put in a stint I told them they were nuts my daughter was sideways at the time and had bruised my kidney from kicking it as well as the stones. Good luck hun.
  • @Momma_Kat and @camommy well my fever has broke. But I'm being to feel a bit of pain it seems that I have a utilities and fluids around my right kidney. So their gonna have the OBGYN come down and talk to me about it. They did blood work and my sodium was low along with my potassium and my "y" count was low. But they have me hooked up to an IV and I'm just waiting to see what happens from here. And just glad my Hanna is okay.
  • Oh wow hun! Glad baby is okay. Hopefully they can fix you right up so you don't have anymore problems. Id have your doctor call your job and bitch them out severely! Or @Mama_Kat could do it too! ;) That's ridiculous! You are far enough along to be in labor and delivery hun, if you aren't already, so you aren't stuck in the er. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Praying for you! Keep us updated!
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses well I just got to labor and delivery her heart rate is normal I'm just waiting to see what their gonna do with me I'm just ready for bed.
  • So ladies is their keeping me for two days.
  • What did they say they are doing hun? Did they give you a diagnosis yet or treatment plan?
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses I have a kidney infection. And the can only give me antibodics by iv and some time today or tomorrow their gonna have a enserologiat look at my kidney and see if my fever breaks soon to see if I could go home Saturday
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  • Earlier my fever was 103 so they had to change all my medications. The also had to take.my IV out of my left ARM and put it into my right which sucks. The pain is so unbarrelable at time. And yea the food here sucks. So my stay so far stinks but the baby is still doing good. But I absolutely love the bath tube in this place. And their gonna have a specialist come some time tomorrow and talk to me about what their gonna do with me.
  • Good luck I hope you feel better soon.
  • edited June 2011
    @mama_Kat and I are still up for Pregly gangsta-ness!!! Lol we will make them not want to ever mess with a pregnant woman again! :) hope you get feeling better soon hun!! If you can, order some food and have it delivered. That's what I had to do, some of that hospital food makes you wanna barf just smelling it. :0&
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  • edited June 2011
    @mama_Kat oh im sure we could find some! Lol
  • @mama_Kat well it seems their gonna keep me here longer. They were gonna let me go home if I didn't have a fever at all today but it was apparently was higher than my 103 temp so they did chest xray. So ill keep updating.
  • The peoplle at your job probably feel really stupid right about now. I'm very glad you went in. Hope you get to go home soon.
  • Just read this thread...I hope things get better. Has the pain gotten any better? I had a uti at the beginning of this pregnancy and boy did it hurt. I think everything feels worse when we are pregnant plus add in the anxiety we feel over it affecting the baby. Praying for you!
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  • @mama_Kat I'm feeling a lot better so I'm hoping I can go all day without a fever tomorrow so I can het discharged Sunday. But I guess ill hear about my chest x-rays and my blood cultures they did today.
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  • @mama_Kat Yea. They told me that if I miss four days on days I'm scheduled that I would to fill out a paper so it wouldn't count against me for my sick days and so I could get paid. But so far I've had everyday off since I've bee in here. Now maybe if they were nice enough to actually pay me when I go on my leave when I have my baby but the ain't cos I haven't been there for a year. and I just notice my stench marks a slowly coming in now.
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  • I ment stretch :D I curse my phone sometimes
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