can someone please help! tmi

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
I had contractions yesterday 10 mins apart. They never got intense, they were more uncomfortable than painful. I waited for them to get stronger and ended up falling asleep. Today I woke up with a big booger thing in my panties. It even soaked thru and left a wet stain on my yoga pants. It was very gross and really snotty but no blood. Is it possible to loose my mucus plug without blood? I really don't think it was discharge or anything it was a little too thick. Does the mucus plug have to be bloody? I'm 40 weeks 2 days and want her out!


  • Yeah mine was also clear!
  • Yup it sounds like your plug. When I lost mine there was no blood either so you should be meeting her any day now! Congrats!
  • No, the plug doesn't have to be bloody, mine wasn't. Good luck, hope she comes soon.
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  • Mine wasn't bloody either. I had one day where a streak of old blood may of come out, buy the next day, it was all white/clear.
  • Thank you ladies! All my books described it with blood. I'm really anxious to get this going. I don't wanna end up induced. Hopefullly its soon.
  • U may see more show as the day goes on, with or without blood. Go for a long walk, have sex if ur up for it, stay hydrated. Sounds like ur on ur way!
  • @babyrosalee thanks. Tmi. I just used the bathroom and I wiped and it had a little more with a tiny streak of blood. I'm going to finish my cleaning and go for a walk. :)
  • Well anyday now you should be meeting that baby!!
  • Sounds like your plug to me. I had my son within 24 hrs of bloody show:) good luck
  • Sounds like its almost time
  • Don't go too far from home, I had my daughter 12 hours after I lost my plug.
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