UPDATE 11:35am im in the hospital contractions 2min apart 3.5cm they will check me at 12:30pm if I dialate any more ill b admitted! Wish me luck im walkin up n down the hallways prayin I dialate more
Wow! @HomeBirthAdvocate I was always wondering the principle behind how or why Castor Oil works or doesn't work. @adriansmommy: Best wishes & keep us updated when you can!
UPDATE 2:22pm ...at 1:11pm I was.still 3 cm when they checked me but I was 80% effaced compared to the 70% at the first check so tjey gave me another hour...im STILL 3CM so they sent me homeee my contractions are still l
I can't believe they sent you home! My doc/hospital wouldn't have sent you home! I took castor oil at 40+3 with my daughter. Took it at 7pm, started contractions at 11pm... waited until 3am to go in, had my girl at 6:56pm! I think it'll work if you're ready!
I took 2 oz, maybe you just need more time! My labor was really long and all back contractions. Maybe you're ready, just keep taking baths/showers, walking. Are you still contracting? They put me on pitocin when I went in, though, so if you don't want interventions, wait it out!
@BentleysMommy I think ur right but im scared lmao my ass hurts so bad sorry tmi but seriously... @ashleyz im still contravting! Been walkin all day.around the hospital now im so tired im guna try n nap...wen I wake up ill prolly do another 2oz lol even tho im scared
@adriansmommy: Best wishes & keep us updated when you can!
My doc/hospital wouldn't have sent you home!
I took castor oil at 40+3 with my daughter. Took it at 7pm, started contractions at 11pm... waited until 3am to go in, had my girl at 6:56pm! I think it'll work if you're ready!
They put me on pitocin when I went in, though, so if you don't want interventions, wait it out!