Question about Pelvic Pressure

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
So i am 33wks as of today. in the early hrs of this morning i began feeling lots of pressure in my pelvis...(maybe TMI but especially the area right above my pubic bone and my butt!!) it doesnt "hurt" its just really uncomfortable.

could this be the baby dropping? is it too soon for that? I could feel all of this while lying just is confusing to me...idk why im feeling this....

anyone who might know or have had this? input appreciated!


  • It could very well be baby dropping hun. That's when it happened for me with my first and she was born at 41 weeks 1 day! :) if you're concerned contact your doctor
  • You should definately let me know what your doc says if you go in because I was 33 weeks yesterday and I was having almost the same stuff. I dunno if it would make since but, while walking around everytime he kicks or rolls it is super uncomfortable. It sucks because I can't do much now.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses thanks! thats helpful and reassuring :)

    @08lilmomma11 i plan on talking 2 my dr next week when i go in...ya ive gotten super uncomfortable...i can't sleep hardly at all (looks like the recliner is gonna b my new bff!) and he's finally gotten big enough to knock the wind out of me
  • I was having super pressure in my cradle and back and now I'm on bedrest lol *but I'm only 26w* probably your baby dropping. your cervix is probably shortning
  • I have that too and I'm 29 weeks but I feel it all day off and on...sometimes painful to walk...I haven't called the doc yet because I thought it might have just been him moving around....but I have a glucose test again Saturday so ill ask then.
  • I have a doctor appointment next week as well. Ill be talking to them about that and I've also been having (maybe to much tmi) discharge to the point where I have to wear panty liners. He's pretty 5 pounds. Hopefully I don't go into early labor:/
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