Implantation Bleeding Anyone???

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hello ladies! I'm on my 4th week and began spotting yesterday. I'm supposed to have my missed period on jan 24 so from what I've read timing is right for the spotting to be due to implantation.

Has this happened to anyone else?? If so how many days did it last and how light or heavy was it??

Thank you!


  • Yes, I had implantation bleeding..mine was light and pink for one day, then the day after that it came back for one more day then it was gone... I thought I was coming on my period because I didnt know I was pregnant.
  • Mine was light only lasted 2 days I thought I just had a short light period,,but no im prego
  • Mine lasted about two days too. Really light.
  • Does everyone get it? Because I'm 8wks tomorrow and still haven't had it..
  • I haven't had it either! ?! Unless I just didn't know it
  • No they say only about 30% of women get it,so no worries if u didn't...thanks for your responses, good to know I'm not alone :-)
  • I had implantation bleeding with 3 out 5 of my pregnancies. It was light, kinda how it looks @ the end of a period color wise. That brownish color. Mine would start a few days before my period would be coming & only last about 2 days. I actually took a test 5 days before my expected period during the afternoon with a cheap test from the dollar general store & got a positive. Try a test & see & if negative test after missed period. Good luck!
  • Thanks melinda... I was thinking of taking one tmr, hopefully it already shows :-)
  • Let us know! Fingers crossed for. :)
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