in the hospital..32+5 dont think labors gonna stop...

I have been in labor all night...they have given me turb,nubain, indocin,and mag! I'm exausted and the contractions are still 3 min apart! I'm now dialated to almost 4cm 70% effaced and baby is -2 station! They took me by ambulance from our loca the one with level 3 nicu and high risk ob....scared to death for my baby girl and soooo exausted! Please please pray!


  • Prayers prayers!! I hope all goes well mommy, your in my thoughts keep us updated
  • Prayers coming your way stay strong mama don't stress everything will be okay.
  • thx @mommyof2girls sorry I didn't respond earlier went into full blown labor wasn't ignoring you....I really appreciate the responses!
  • Prayers for you and baby..
  • Praying for you and baby
  • Oh no need to apologize hon. just stay strong everything will be okay, I just said a prayer for you and baby just try your best to relax even tho it maybe hard to. Good luck
  • Goodluck to you and baby!
  • You are in my thoughts. I
  • Prayers to u n ur little princess..continue to stay strong n positive ..DON'T STRESS
  • Prayers for you and baby
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  • Good luck! Prayers sent.
  • Praying for you and baby! Do you have anyone there with you to keep you calm?
  • Praying for you and baby!
  • edited June 2011
    Yikes. Hope they gave you betamethasone. If you can hold her in a while longer, it will help her lungs a little bit. It's suprer scary, but my son was 32+4 and turned out totally fine...just a few weeks in the nicu and your little girl should come home. Fingers crossed for you!
  • Hoping everything goes well. Sorry momma :( your on my thoughts
  • Oh good luck and prayers for u and baby.
  • Praying for you & the baby!
  • Wishing you both the best and anxious for an update to see how you're both doing. %%-
  • Prayers Hun please update when u can I hope your both ok
  • **update** 10:25am...I m still in labor my doc came in and confirmed a "good"4cm and now 80% effaced..stgill having contractons! They have tried everything mag turb indocin,nubain, even morphine! Lol I am huting pretty bad but doc says he's about 94% sure I will be haing her in the next 24hrs...if by slim chance I don't I will be in hospital till I mom is trying to catch a plane from florida so I really hope she makes it...this is hubbys 1st time around and we didn't get to n e classes or anything....they have given me the seroids I'm actualy getting th 2nd round now...thx for ur continued prayers will kep updated! Lots of love and thanks!
  • Thinking of you hun, hope all is ok
  • lots of prayers momma!
  • Prayers, momma everything will be fine, :D
  • Praying for mommy and baby.
  • **update** pressure started real bad "down there" so they checked me..I'm now 5cm and we are disussing my epi...getting more nervous scared! Nicu doc is supposed to come in and talk with us in a bit...I also had my bloody show! I guess God know what he is doing! Thx girls I appreciate ur support SO scared I have been crying!
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  • Hope everything is going good mama. Lots of prayers coming your way. Keep us updated.
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