What did you feel like?

edited January 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
So I am expecting my period tomorrow. My LMP was 12/25/2010. My DH and I are trying to get pregnant and I was sure that we succeeded. I took a test (early) on Monday (1/17) and it was negative. I still feel like I could be but I'm not sure if it's in my head.
Here are what I think could be symptoms;
Headaches (Not horrible but I've had one almost everday this week.)
Cramp in my side (I have googled this and it brought up a lot of results about ligament stretching)
Nausea (I am not throwing up but I can't ever finish a meal anymore. Halfway through, I feel like I'm going to vomit)
A lot of lower back pain
Dizziness (Not bad, more like light headed more often than ever)
Period like cramps

I've never been pregnant before so I'm not sure what I would be feeling. I have the Pregly Pregnancy Tracker on my phone and it says that I would be about 3 weeks and 4 days along. I have more tests, I just wanted to wait a while to see if I started my period because I didn't want to take it too early.
Any responses are appreciated! ;;)


  • IM in the same boat. My doc said I was but my period is 8 days away. So Ive got my fingers crossed for both of us.
  • I'm just so afraid to test to early and allow myself to get let down. I forget to mention that my breasts are tender and my nipples have become very sensitive! I just hope we both get a BFP!
  • Might just be too early to detect yet...some people won't have pos result until more hormones in your pee. I would wait a few more days and if your period doesn't come take another test :-) one of my pregnancies was like that....thought I was test said no...waited another week and re tested..then it was positive. On other hand this pregnancy was detected super early. Every woman and every pregnancy is different. Can have similar pressure/cramping as period but it is implantation in the uterus..Good luck keeping fingers crossed for you!!
  • MY doc told me that she thought I was. But I'm still scared. We have had our "thinking e are preggo but really not" before thanksgiving. So I dont want to get my bfs hopes up. But this time I have all the symptons even the I font want to anything one. Lol
  • Sounds like your stressing or thinking about this too much. Those symptoms can also be brought on by stress.
    My wife and I tried to get pregnant for months, then we stopped trying and just concentrated on our love and relaxed. We didnt know she was pregnant till she was 8 days past her period and decided to test.
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