Down to the Double Digits!!!!

edited June 2011 in First time moms
99 Days Left!!! Soooo Excited!!! :-D


  • oh cool ur Oct 1st too?! :-D i knowww it does! but i feel like its been going super fast! how you feeling!? what are you having!?
  • yayyy! im oct 1 too :)
  • i wouldnt be able 2 keep it a surprise! lol...yes im having a boy...we're naming him Ashton Agustine :) bum friends?! lol...i dont know what that is but it seems like a TMI?! far i been doing great..ever since around 11 weeks! i hope the good feelings last a lil longer...i have heartburn at least once a butt bone hurts sometimes...but thats cause of where i work...& just this week my lips got REALLY bad & chapped! :(
  • Yay, me too! It wasn't too long ago I thought it seemed like forever until I would get to this point!!!
  • Yay ! congrats ! i hit the double digits tomorrow (:
    Oct 2nd over here :-D
  • Congrats mommy's. I hit my 2ble digits tomorrow too I'm having a boy :-)
  • I'm right here with you girl, double digits it is! I'm in the 60's though
  • @2ndbutfirst :/ no bueno! thats cool that ur having ur baby in the same hospital as ur mans! i wouldnt do it at mine cause its a lil old already :/ & my mans is in another state! ur names are super cute too! :)

    @kimmy819 @beba126979 lol...congrats, girls!

    @CarrieLee Oct 1st babiessss :X
  • I have 89 days to go
  • yay!!! i'm oct. 1st as well!!
  • @MrsForesee :-D

    i didnt think there was so many of us Oct 1sters :)
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