in the hospital..32+5 dont think labors gonna stop...



  • I'm praying!!!!
  • ***update*** so he won't do the epi he says its too commitng! So he has given me nubain for pain 1 time...I have been on mag sulfate all day till 9 am tomorrow but still contracting! He said e will prolly have baby tomorow..thatsis what he is mom fly's in at 11:45pm so I'm trying to hang on till she gets here! I have not eaten anything since 4:30 Thursday afternoon and have no idea when he will let me..they are making me use a bed pan (sooo gross) I haven't been up at all! So that's about it for now..still a "good" 5cm and 80% so we shall see if these get any closer together! Thanks again I appreciate the prayers!!!
  • Good luck I hope u get that baby out
  • Awwww sweetie I'm praying for you and baby.......hugs!
  • aww hun i hope everything turns out great! prayers for you!!
  • Praying! Hope you can keep baby in for the 2nd steroid. That will make all the difference. I know how scared you are. I had mine at 30+5 weeks. The Mag sulfate was the worst part. Made me feel like I was dying. Stay strong!
  • Wow I'm praying hard for u and ur little one and will continue too. I know ur scared and I would be too.... but your right god has a plan. Keep us posted.
  • @everyone I appreciate it...the prayers for baby Emalin are so much appreciated!
    @salsabia I was able to get 2 steroid shots about 4 weks ago and th gave me another 2 last night and today the last was at 1:30pm today so if she stays in for about 12 hrs more it will have full effect
    @2ndbut first thank you I honestly was hopping my hubby would be able to go
  • I'll be thinking about you two.tonight...looking forward to seeing some positive updates soon! %%-
  • @2ndmiricaleontheway Prayers for you and baby! I feel confident that your doctors have everything under control and that your baby will be happy and healthy. :)
  • Gotta say u r a very strong & brave girl to still text n share ur story w us ..hope u n ur baby r ok godbless u both
  • Prayers are with you and your baby
  • Prayers are with you and your little one. Keep us updated mama
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  • Lots of prayers mama.
  • Wow I'm starting to feel like a stalke.... I'm just really worried.... I can't help but check back when I see a new comment thinking its an update.
  • This was a huge fear of mine, especially after miscarrying two prior pregnancies. I thought my water broke at 33 weeks, but it turned out otherwise. I'm sending lots of love & prayers your way hun. Just update when you can...
    Best wishes, best health, stay positive & strong, momma!! :)
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  • I only got 2 shots at 26 weeks. My little angel came out perfect. Yours will too. You are even a few weeks further along than I was. She's going to do great. Ava only spent 4 1/2 weeks in nicu. She's now home with me and her due date isn't even here yet.
  • The magnesuim sucks :( I had it for preeclampsia. I wasnt allowed to eat but then I asked the nurse and she asked the dr and they said It was fine but it had to be light so I ate a salad. I couldnt eat 24 hrs after delivery either. Maybe ask? Prayers!

    @wallieheadbaby3 I feel like a stalker too! I hope shes okay!
  • @maymommy11 I hope so too. We haven't heard from her in a while... lol I know were not her first priority but I don't know if I can sleep until I know she's ok. I hope she's getting some rest at least.
  • Hope everything is Going okay hun!! Praying!
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  • Keeping you and your baby girl in my prayers.
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  • You are both in my prayers .. stay strong
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I know it sucks. Ill be checking everytime I wake up to feed my son. I cant see what time she updated last :(
  • Praying for you! God is in control and you will both be fine! Hope you're sleeping and not having your baby yet. Xo
  • Praying for you and your baby! Hope everything is ok :)
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