I'm less selfish, more health concious, more safety aware, more creative, more patient, more loving. That is all I can think of as my eyes close.....it is a complete change.
I'm not as worried about everything turning out the way I want or think it should, I had an idea of motherhood and what my daughter would be like it was not accurate at all but its still great. Also the strengthening of my relationship into a 3 way unit, no just two. Soon to be 4! I wish u all the best in ur journey!
Well thats a tough one , since i have change completely thanks to my daughter. if the old me saw the new me today, she would just raise an eyebrow and walk away.. xD
Well ive lost a lot of friends n it seems he is my best friend. Ive learned not to care about what others think..I ventured out a little more..laugh more...I learned I can do it! I thought it would b impossible to. Make it love,financially etc