juice or water and newborns

edited June 2011 in Parenting
I am due november with my second child and plan to breastfeed for at least 6 weeks. My question is do you give a newborn any other form of liquid other than the breast or formula feed it needs? I never did this with my 1st have never heard or read about it yet my mil would have me believe im a bad mother if I dont give it a wee drink as she puts it. This has been a source of tension for days now and its causing arguments. I dont see my midwife till next week but wanted your feed back. So juice/water should a newborn be given it?


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  • If breastfeeding then no if formula you may give some cooled boiled water in-between feeds if baby gets constipated.
  • My kids doctor always told me me it was unnessecary because the will be getting enough water through the breast milk and or formula. She said not to fill them up with water because it has no nurtional valeu and will take the space of the very nutricious breast milk/formula......No reason ever to give them juice......waaaaay to much sugar. Why is your MIL telling you different?
  • No just formula I've always heard that anything else is too hard on their tummy's I had to give my son prune juice but that's because he wouldn't poop. Especially not a newborn, they should have anything until atleast until they are several months old.
  • @Kells32 I have no idea why she thinks this. I pretty much knew that water or juice was a no no but im now building my case if you like! Lol.
  • @misselfae I just remembered that my MIL used to tell when my 11 year old son was a baby that he needed water too! Urgh they can be soo annoying.......I was only 21 then and remeber how it felt to have everyone try and tell you what's "best" for your baby...lol......I am 32 now and dare let anyone make me doubt my momma instincts!!! You just do what YOU feel is best for your baby.......you'll always be right:)
  • @Kells32 its crazy the things mils will tell you. My mum is my go to person as she brought up 4 kids and she said same as all you guys. One of the oh aunts told me I should feed the baby water at night and it will stop waking up for feeds! Clearly they are all from a different planet from the rest of us lol
  • Especially if ur bteastfeeding, nothing else required. It's kinda cool how milk works; when u feed, the first bit of milk is mostly water & the hind milk is thicker and higher in fat content. Natures way of helping ur baby get what he needs. If he's thirsty, he'll want to switch sides earlier. If he's hungry, he stay on one side til its empty. Idk about anyone else but I think our bodies r amazing at taking care of our babies! Also, its normal for an infant not to poop for a couple of days (not a newborn) breastmilk is almost completely absorbed in those first few months. My daughter didn't poop for 8 days but gained 1.5 lbs in those two wks. Doc said it was normal.
  • I gave my son about an oz of water a day or pedialite we live in hot hot weather then and now I plan to do it again my son now is obsessed w water when most kids I see want juice or soda
  • Our pediatrician has always said they don't need anything besides breastmilk or formula. My mom is always trying to tell me different too and she always says she is amazed she didn't kill any of us...cause we got water as newborns, honey, peanutbutter before age 2, didn't use sunscreen, etc etc etc! I just always remember they are from a different generation and science grows everyday...to help us keep our children safe!
  • Baby doesn't need anything besides formula or breastmilk. Maybe she's just jealous, because you are breastfeeding and she won't be able to help feed the baby.
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  • No water or juice. Just formula or breast milk. My parents would always bug me about giving my baby water cuz they did with me. My pediatrician said only formula or breast, water can be dangerous for newborn and thin out there blood. Talk to your Dr and pediatrician.
  • Freaking mother in laws! Are they all the same?
  • @nmartinez79 I think they must be. We should gather them together and put them on their own island!
  • We should remember how we are feeling about our MILS right now so we don't turn into ONE OF THEM .......we our little ones are grown up....lol
  • Ya mine drives me crazy!
  • My sons pediatrician said that an ounce no more than 2 of unflavored pedialyte can help with constipation and if u live in hot weather it is good for avoiding dehydration young babies can dyhydrate easily she even also suggested just water but i don't give him water just his soy formula and pedialyte
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