Freaking out. Pls advice, suggestions, or comments. long
Ok if you have read one of my old threads I said how my Dr was going off my lmp which makes my due date 6-17 (41 wks as of today). My first us at a clinic, which thought I'd be 7wks gave me a vaginal us after finding no baby over belly and measured the sac at 5wks giving me a due date of 7-4. Well at my appt today the Dr said they were scheduling me for induction on Mon. which I didn't want but basically she said doesn't want me to go too far overdue. Than she checked my cervix and my lil girl who's been head down for a month is breech(butt down, feet by face) so they sent me for a us to confirm.(she said we could try to move baby but it can cause fetal death) Now they cancelled my induction and scheduled a csection for Mon. The tech confirmed breech but measurements edd said july 3(38wks). I called my Dr and tried to convince her to wait for csection(I'm deathly afraid) but no luck.She said if I go into labor u can still try natural(like my first two kids) but If baby is still breech will still do c section. I never wanted give induced or pain meds and for sure c section...pls help.
As far as how far along you are... that is just as tough. You could ask her to meet you in the middle as long as baby is doing well & your placenta & amniotic fluid is in good supply. I know most doctors don't want you to go past 42 weeks these days, but the LMP isn't 100% because women can ovulate at different times.
In the end, no matter how or when baby comes out, it's always most important that he/she is healthy. THAT is what makes it a successful birth. I hope this helps at least a little & good luck!
@vette_devil she's the first girl (i have two boys) so her being ok is very important to me. Thanks
@gatorbob my doctor Is very sweet and was all for no drugs and being natural but now cause of me being "overdue" she thinks it would be better for baby
she also thinks the babys head is big cause she said my cervix is super soft and
since her head won't stay in my pelvic bone. if the babys head was down id prolly be dilated.
@mshahir I just feel if I had more time she would go back to head down. But you gotta do what ya gotta do....even if it sucks
@ourbaby3 she's a new doctor to me (i just moved to the area). she's very sweet tho. thanks so much. very scared but starting to feel better.
@gatorbob your right. im so excited to meet my lil girl. her 3 and 4 yr old brothers ask everyday about her coming