Morning Sickness

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I've been having morning sickness all week. Starting in the morning and lasting throughout the day. I haven't thrown up but I feel super icky. Anyone gave some solutions that may ease this? :-) xxoo


  • Me too !!! I found a glass of really cold dry ginger ale is really good and also making sure u don't get to hungry . This is my first aswell its so hard when u don't know what to expect , I feel like shit today too just woke up an don't know weather to eat or not . Hope ur ok xx
  • I had that, I tried crackers and mineral water and it worked, and its true don't stay hungry that will get those symptoms get worst.
  • Sugar and fatty foods help. Like pudding, potatos, pasta, etc...
  • This is my soon to be third child hopefully second living child and first time with morning evening all-day sickness LOL. Wow
  • Ladies u can try peppermints hard candies. They help me out alot.
  • Thanks girls all this is very helpful. You rock mamas to be!
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