THANK YOU EVERYONE!! ok labor and delivery details....pretty much was a breeze surprisingly!! i got an epidural as soon as the contractions became unbearable and after that i didnt feel anything!! at first u all know i was only 3 cm for a couple days before they finally decided to keep me and break my water and even after breaking my water i didnt budge so they started me on oxytocin and just 3 hours later i was 7 cm!!!!! an hour after that i was feeling a lot of pressure on my bottom like i had to poop really bad n they told me it was just his head bearing down but 30 minutes after that i couldnt take it, it was soooooooo baddddd!!!! i was literally screaming bc there was so much pressure n i couldnt hold back from pushing anymore, i told them to check me bc i felt like sumthin was coming out lol then i was 9 cm!!! so it was almost 4pm when i started to push just to get him to come down more, the doctors came in at 4:30pm n thats when i started to deliver for real....after pushing for another hour and 2 minutes my baby was born at 5:32pm 9lbs 3oz 20in biggggg boyyy!! lol as soon as he came out they shot stadol into my IV n i dont remember much after took over an hour for them to sew me up, i have a level 4 tear =[ in a lot of pain but it was so worth it n i would do it all over again!!! and yes i owe it all to the castor oil, but 4 oz all at once, not 2 and 2!!! how do i put a pic up? i want u all to c him!
Congrats mama. On the big boy. I am so excited to see pics. Ouch level 4 tear is horrible. Make sure they give you tucks pads or dermablast. And take advantage of the pads they give you that have the cold packs in the middle. They are wonderful. Get some rest and update when you feel better.
awe thats such an awesome labor hehe I know in the end it is all worth it now all the real fun is about to begin hehe hope you enjoy your new bundle of joy and cant wait for a picture
I think we have a lil baby quarter back!
@paulyjo @grissy_barria @Jaime77 @YNVTish @artistmamma @kristaf22 @tlj2011 @FiRstTiMeOcT_mOm @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle @bri2186 @momof5 @jbandno3 @Karla_with_a_K @BentleysMommy @baby2dec14yayy