anyone else @36wks and have a jumpy baby???

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok preglies I'm in my 36th week and I swear I must be having a baby that's half energizer bunny cause she's always moving.. lol I mean I thought babies moved less when d day got closer but not mine she never lets up.. it's like she is purposely trying to beat on me from the inside not that I'm complaining I love to feel her kick its just I would like a break every once in a any one else dealing with the same issue????


  • I will be 38 wks tomorrow n she still moves 24 7.
  • Wow I see I'm not the only dealing with this.. I really don't remember feeling this way with all my other babies.. guess I'm just too old to
  • I really wish mine moved more. She used to move constany but now shes so big its only her little feet pushing my sides or her hands by my.crotch lol
  • @Kay_la_la wanna trade??? Lol I know all about the pain in the crotch it can be so irritating... when r u due?
  • Im 38 weeks n my lil man is constantly kickin and moving around
  • yup! my girl moves all the time she loves to move especially at night just so mommy can't sleep lol I'm 37weeks nd she moves more than the day she did before!
  • Yesss! I'm 35 weeks and he still has room to do everything, including kicking the crap out of my ribs. They feel so bruised :(
  • Lol! Im due july 12th. But im ready for her lke today lol
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