in the hospital..32+5 dont think labors gonna stop...



  • I hope everything is going okay. I'm praying for you and your little girl. Hope we all hear good news soon. Like maybe baby decided she really didn't want to be out here that bad just yet =)
  • u two are in my prayers...
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  • edited June 2011
    Prayers for you and your baby! Im so worried :'(
  • Any word yet? :/
  • I'm praying! I'm sure everything is okay we got to be positive!
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  • No updates.. :( still praying for you and LO!
  • U and ur precious lil girl are in my prayers
  • Updates hun? I'm still praying and thinking of you guys.
  • Hope everything is going ok. You and your baby are in my prayers.
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  • Any updates hun? I'm getting worried.
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  • Hope everythings okay <3
  • I sure hope everything is ok :-S
  • Yeah me too! I keep checking back... maybe her phone died and she dosnt have her charger. Idk??? Sending lots of prayers her way.
  • Praying everything is going good! update us when you can and let us know how you & baby Emalin are doing!!
  • **update** so so dorry it took so long!!!...I am STILL preggers (sorta lol0 it has been a long couple days they have had me on nubain constantly and I have been in this crazy on and off spouts of active labor then thry try to make me cofortable and my body shuts down! I am officially 5cm dialated and 80% effaced...and at the moment cramping badly I have been bleeding most the day but they say its my bloody show...we are as of sun am 33wks 1 day and doc says every hr min or day we can hold her the better had a "crazy" painfull episode where contractions were 2min aprt this am so they put in my epi and now almost 24 hrs later the want to take it out cz my body stopped now its looking like I will prolly miss any oppurtunity for an epi when we really have push time! :-( sorry for it taking so long been in sooo much pain and phone wasn't working...but btw doc is keeping me in high risk antapartum (sp?) Till we have baby weather 6 hrs or 6weeks! Your prayers and support are SO SO appreciated I haven't forgot my preggly friends! Thank you all! :'( love your way....
  • Thank god u are ok! Please keep us updated when u can! Stay strong hun. I'll be praying.
  • @maymommy11 @ wallieheadbaby3 thank you both for your extended support...mag does suck along with everything else too I haven't ben out of bed (even to potty tmi) since I got here..and tonight they finnally let mehave a little food 1st since thurs... it has been an awful experience but I just keep trying to "blow out my candle" during co.tractions and keep my eye on the prize.. feel like I'm going mental and epi caused major major itching issue I wanta crawl out of my skin! Again really worried overwhelmed an.d so very tired! Thx again for love and support!
  • Your welcome im so glad your okay!omg its about time they feed you! Try to sleep if you can :( maybe they can give you pain meds in your iv when it comes time to push?
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  • Good luck & prayers your way hun!!
  • @maymommy11 I asked that and they said it all depends on how far along I am when were actually doing the pushing..if she is still premie then the meds could cause her extra distress...but if I make it past 36wks the they'll prolly help me! This whole experience has def taught me a lot that's for sure! Lol
    @richjen24 will do I'm sorry I left everyone hanging..we had pretty bad hail storms a couple days back nd it knocked out a cell tower and our phones were barely working..amost normal again but still have there moments! Lol thx for ur support
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  • I hope you do make it passed 36 weeks :) hope your getting some sleep. Im so glad you both are okay!
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