A weird noise coming from inside...??

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 25 weeks pregnant and for the past couple of days when the baby starts to move there is sometimes this (hard to explain) noise. Somewhere between a bubble popping/rubber band snapping. I don't feel anything, I have no pain or discomfort. But when it happens the baby will stop moving for a few minutes and then start to move again. The noise has only happened a hand full of times but I'm starting to notice it more and its beginning to happen more often.
Has anyone else experienced this? Should I call my dr?


  • edited June 2011
    Happend to me my mom said its the body expandin.
  • @LittleFae While I'm not positive, I would guess it's your hips and pelvic area relaxing and spreading apart.
  • @janellesmommie - the babys body expanding or mine? Sorry its just confusing lol this is my first pregnancy
  • @misskristin - that makes sense. When I injured my back a few years ago and tore the muscle while it was heeling it would pop/snap. But I felt it and it was painful. This I don't feel at all and just conserned that its the baby since it stops moving when it happens. Hhmm
  • Ur body the baby should b fine since theirs water surroundin he or she :) I think it use to happen to me in my 2nd trimester ..this is my first pregnancy too.
  • I would call your Dr. Anything you have a concern about I would call to be honest and on the safe side
  • I'm 38 weeks and I noticed it the other day. I asked my midwife yesterday and she said its probably just my body moving around. The babies bones are too soft to be popping. Which is what it sounded like to me lol. Maybe its bubbles
  • When my baby moves, sometimes I hear a little popping noise. It's not my bones, though. It sounds like it's coming from inside the womb. Maybe it has something to do with his movements and the amniotic fluid? Idk, but it's kinda cool. :)
  • I heard this with #2 from 30 weeks on... doctors told me it was my body expanding... after he came out his legs made that noise! I think it was him the whole time!.
  • @janellesmommie - That could be, the more I think about it the less I think it's me or my body. But I could be wrong I just don't feel it when it happens and haven't had any pain or discomfort. The baby is still active, actually more active now lol.

    @Proudmomma - I thought about it, but this is more of a curious thing then a worried thing. Baby is even more active now. lol I'll probably wait until my next visit to bring it up unless it becomes more persistent, or I start to feel discomfort/pain with it or baby becomes less active.

    @My_Tiny_Blessing - lol I can just picture our babies blowing little air bubbles (I know they can't but it's a cute thought)

    @mya218 - Exactly! I hear it from inside, from my stomach/womb area. It's really starting to drive my curiosity high.

    @ace_baber_3 - oh wow! So it could be a number of things. Did you son have any affects or was it just joint popping that hasn't bothered him? (if you don't mind me asking)
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