Welcome to the August DDC!



  • I'm due August 7th but will be induced the 1st due to having crazy big babies. This is number 4 for us. To answer a few of the previous questions...
    If you are sick at all get some Zofran from your doctor!! It's a miracle drug. I tried everything with my first 2 pregnancies and nothing really worked. Zofran will rock your world.
    As for the tiredness...that won't go away til the baby graduates high school. But it does get easier in the middle of the 2nd trimester for me.
    And whoever said they're showing...you're not alone. Unlike my previous pregnancies, I look 5 months pregnant already. Never a good sign.
  • I'm due 8/31 with my first. Were hoping for a little girl! Feeling super tired and sore, but doing ok so far. I can't wait to be a mommy!
  • 8/22 for my first
  • 8-11 n I'm so tierd n sick
  • For nausea try Reflexology turn ur hand over either one an where ye wrist bends measure 3 thumbs widths down an apply a little pressure not a lot for up to 5 minutes an see if It helps somedays I feel Like im walking around all day Doing this but it truly helps me!! Good luck!
  • Hi all! I'm due aug 2nd with our first. Beyond excited! Really thought the horrible all day sickness was gone but it came back with a vengeance today. Ugh!
  • I'm due 8/25!! This is my first, I'm very excited! I've only gotten sick twice, thank god, but I am alllllways tired. I don't know if I'm just still bloated, or maybe showing a little bit.
  • I'm due 8/24 with my second. For those asking about nausea...take tor vitamins at night, and east carbs all day long. Dry crackers, what thins, pretzels, etc.. Try not ro go too long between meals, and avoid greasy food. Good luck ladies!
  • I'm due aug 22. My bday is aug 2! Yay.....we will share our leo zodiac signs. I feel very tired! Good to know I'm not the only one. I'm also feeling very sensitive. Like wanting to cry for anything....or getting really angry easily. I need advice on what to take for my back....it hurts so bad. Any help?
  • that is so funny! My birthday is Aug 2 nd too!
  • I am due august fifth. With my first child. I am tired of peeing and feeling sick. Not to mention I am non stop hungry. Its like I can never fill my hunger.
  • Vmc....that is soooo crazy! We both have the same bdays and almost exactly the same due date! Where r u from??
  • I'm due 8/24. I have broken out on my
    Face and I have a brown discharge that the Dr. Says is normal. Anyone else going thru crazy stuff?
  • Hey evryone congrats to all u ladies so far I am not sure my due date yet but since my late period im believe ill be do mid aug. This is my first baby hoping its a boy.
  • 8/15. This is my first and im super excited. Might be having a girl because meat makes me sick.
  • I'm breaking out too....and white discharge.....I was about to ask my gyno if that was normal......I think so though....
  • My bday is Aug 2 and I'm due the 22
  • Hey my due date Aug 16 this is my fourth all I do is sleep I been sick every since I found out can't wait until the sickness go away
  • hi, we are due Aug 18 with our third and I haven't even been able to walk into the kitchen 4 last 3 weeks...its been miserable and I've lost 6 kgs which normally would make me go yahh but not so good when your preggers...anyone else having to have a c section
  • Due Aug 28.... my problem is after I eat I get a horrible taste n my mouth.
  • August 21..2nd child after 8 years.... :X
  • August 16:::Fourth child after 11 years I really need refreshed.LOL
  • Almost all discharge that isn't bloody or really smelly is normal. I'm breaking out like crazy too, it looks awful and nothing is helping.
  • Headaches!
  • We are due august 13 with our first. I was so tired, everyday things were so hard to do. But my thyroid was too low, since i got stronger meds. Im feeling quite a bit better.
  • Were due 8/26 with our first!
  • I am due august 22 with my first child and his second. When will the throwong up end?
  • I'm due on August 2nd. Had my first ultrasound yesterday. 8->
  • Due 8-19-11
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