@haydensmommy-I think you are referring to my hcg test. Yes everythings ok my hcg levels more than doubled in 48 hours. Thank you so much for your checking up on me:)
Thank you, well I went in today and the dr said im 4 weeks not 5. Its all so confusing and when I got the results to the hcg dr said I was 2 1/2 weeks.lol i'm jyst going to keep praying. Thanks for asking, I was telling my hubby whenever I post something no one really responds glad to know someone cares:) how's your preg going?
Its going good. I'm gaining so much weight but, ill lose it. When I first found out, like as soon as I tested positive I had a u/s done and the tech said-I don't see a baby. But my bloodwork was positive. I was so sad. They thought it was maybe a blighted ovum and so it was tough, I had to wait like 3-4 weeks and when I went to the dr there was a 9 week baby. It was just too early. So, sometimes they don't know until later, the baby can catch up. What was the dr basing telling u 4 weeks off of? Was it numbers or u/s? It is confusing, u just gotta stay positive and pray. It will be fine