Hlp plZ%

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so nxt wk on monday ill b 39 I havent.really been feelin mi baby move n mi stomach has been really.hard wit sumtimes pain. I dnt kno wat I kud b.. R those contractions or wat.. Sum advice plz


  • I'm 39 weeks on wed and on having the same thing....Dr told me baby is running out of room...as long as baby lives 10+ time in an hour baby should be fine....I asked her why my belly was so hard and stayed hard...she told me that baby had moved and it was babys back...good lick....your baby could come any day now!!! Congratz!
  • @blueeyes1246 thanx I hope so ill ask mi doctor tomorrow... Have u start to dilate any?
  • I was told baby should move 10x in 2 hours & to make sure she does twice a day. You could also be getting little false labor "practice" contractions- if they hurt. If they become frequent, start timing them; you can go into labor any time now. ;) Good luck.
  • Nope...not even the slightest...no pain...just a waddle lol...are you dialated? And to what? And pains....kinda feel like I'm missing out on a part of pregnancy...
  • edited June 2011
    I was 18 when I had my first baby boy...same thing happened....ended up having emerg cs...guess I should expect the same this time....I was crazy sick with my 1st...I tried everything and nothing seemed to work....he was born may 16 08...8lbs 1/4 oz...this preg I'm 21 and he's is much easier...not sick only at 1st...kidney stones this time other than that nothing...Dr told me at my 36 wk apt he was 7 lbs...that was almost 3 wks ago..
  • @blueeyes1246 no havent dilated.at all last dr apt I waz a finger tip.away frm one cm.. I been walkin alot.. Ive been throwin.up fa sum reason like.the 1st trimester. Idk why.. The pain iz unusual like dwn n mi pelvic area
  • all I've been having is swelling of my feet and legs,sinus pressure in my nose and headaches...oh and can't forget diarrhea...maybe your time is coming! I've heard many women getting flu like symptoms before labor... I wish the best of luck....its so hard to know what's going on with your body...every small thing makes a worry...wish there was an easier way to figure it out....all we can do is hope for the best!! I know I'm ready for my lil man to get here! Do you know what your having? What state you live in? How old are you?
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