@mommy2isaiahngiselle thx girly I appreciate everything they finaly "unhooked" me today and I was able to shower and go potty...otherwise here till she decides to hit eject! Lol..how are u what's ging on? Any baby news with you? I miss knowing lol been thinking and praying for u as well thx love you!
My thoughts have really been with u! I seem very drawn to your story and the hard times ur going through. I pray for u and your little one often! I will continue to pray for u both and please keep us updated when u can! Big hugs!
@wallieheadbaby3 thx I appreciate it! Lol its good to know all of you guys care so much! @mommy2isaiahngiselle getting up to just even pee is soo huge lol (the things we take for granted... UPDATE*** I slept a lil batter last night they game me ambien but woke up to quite a lot of bleeding (enough for a pad) contracting for the last hr about every 5 min but no cervical changes yet...still 5cm & 80% waiting on doc to call nurse said we are just watching and waiting keeping a close eye!..wil keep everyone posted again thank u al for love and support is so nice to get on here and see ur messagesandhow much everyone cares! Btw 33&3 today! ;-)
Wow- this is the first time I've seen your post; I hope everything goes well for you & your precious little one! I had a pre-labor scare at 33wks0days and it seems so minor in comparison! I will keep you & baby in my prayers... you are blessed with every day she's still in there. Good luck hun!
Morning hun... just checking in on ya. I know how much it sucks to have to stay on a hospital bed for weeks and it can really get to u. Are u in a lot of pain? Are u having contractions still? I know they can't estimate how long you will be there. I'm sorry hun. Do u get a lot of visitors to keep u busy? Oh by the way my name is Vallie.
@vette_devil thxs hun I appreciate all the prayers! :-) glad ur little one was ok too! @wallieheadbaby3 your posts have been encouraging thank you...and yes I can agree the mental stress has started to toll...and the pain has come back this morning after my preggly fix lol I was going to try to nap I feel things "starting" again I've been bleeding all morning and the contractions started about 10am ish! (We r on est) they said I wnt go home till I deliver so could be 6 hours or 6 weeks no one knows but my doc (who I LOVE he's amazin) says soon! Lol at least that's his opinion! As far a visitors no not really my mom is here for a few days from fl (were in oh) but hubby c,an only come if emerg. Or every couple days we live over 1hr 15min away and he works 3rd shift not to mention te budget for gas lol other than that we don't know anyone in the area all our friends and fam are in fl 1500 miles away! :-( but we are hanging in there again thx fr ur support and frendship..are u preggers, or ttc? And my name is Taunya! ;-) talk to u soon!
I'm preggers! 29 weeks today... due Sept 12th. I've been on bed rest this whole pregnancy due to subcorionic bleeding and high BP. its really starting to drive me crazy! I watch a lot of movies and my hubby and kids keep me entertained in the evening. But I'm normally someone who is up moving around or working... so this is really hard. But honestly its way worse having to be in the hospital for long periods of time. Them having to unhook u (if they will even let u) just to shower. I feel for u! I'm sorry the pain has started back up. I have to see a high risk Dr and and he is about 1:15 min away too along with the hospital so I understand the drive/ gas money hubby work thing. I'm in Tx where are u?
Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts & prayers are, & have been, with you & your little one. Every day, every hour, every minute helps her, like your doctor said. I keep hoping she hangs in there as LONG as possible. Stay positive!! You're obviously already a strong, strong momma! Hugs!
do u mind if i ask what area or hospital u are at? i am here in ohio too! i hope everything is still ok. it seems your doc has you on close watch, thank goodness! yay for the peeing on your own!!
@wallieheadbaby3 I'm sorry you been doing bed rest so long as well...it does suck. Lol I am in ohio...thx for "talking" @survivormommy3 we live near cedar point, but the doc/hospial is fairview...where abouts are you? @everyone thanks for prayers...***update*** had a huge scare this afternoon wke up from my lil nap in excrusiating pain, and they came in to check and the baby was tachacardia (sp?) (Her heart rate was through the roof) ended up w a "million" ppl in my room ultrasound ect they couldn't figure out the problem...my contrations were 3 min apart again andbaby had dropped again! My cervics made some slight changes and was thinning more (been bleeding all day) but now almost 12 hrs later her heart is normal again emerg c-sec talk is put on hold and my contractions have spaced again to 6ish min apart! I am exausted and worn the heck out..wish one way or the other. She would make up her mind! Thx everyone I appreciate you! Lots of love!
Ok so I figured I would update what I can...not a whole lot happening been contracting again for the last hour some mild some strong! But have gennerally started feeling like poo...idk if its gonna be tonight or not I've been shooting for sat (34 weeks at least) but lil momma is gdtting anxious...nausia (sp) diahrea..major pain in the hoo ha followed by more nad more bloody show...idk wish she would make up her mind! Lol but thx again to everyone its soo nice to hear from you! Will update again soon!
still thinking about you. I am in central ohio- suburbs of cbus. dag on i wish you were closer or i was, that way maybe i could keep you company. i know that sounds creepy lol.
Thx everyone for the encouraging words! I appreciate it and all the love and prayers! @mummytuube I have been having my bloody show for days and days...tmi but its like the beaver boogers with lots of blood in it and a few clots here and there when ever I have a mass amount then get check doc says cirvics is thinner so he said its a process of loosing the linning of the cervics...as long as I wasn't bleeding likea period! @survivormommie3 your not weird at all or creepy...I would love the company but understand its a long drive we are exactly 2 miles from clev arport. Its comforting to know u care! Pls keep in touch! I will update soon!
@mommy2isaiahngiselle getting up to just even pee is soo huge lol (the things we take for granted...
UPDATE*** I slept a lil batter last night they game me ambien but woke up to quite a lot of bleeding (enough for a pad) contracting for the last hr about every 5 min but no cervical changes yet...still 5cm & 80% waiting on doc to call nurse said we are just watching and waiting keeping a close eye!..wil keep everyone posted again thank u al for love and support is so nice to get on here and see ur messagesandhow much everyone cares! Btw 33&3 today! ;-)
I will keep you & baby in my prayers... you are blessed with every day she's still in there. Good luck hun!
@wallieheadbaby3 your posts have been encouraging thank you...and yes I can agree the mental stress has started to toll...and the pain has come back this morning after my preggly fix lol I was going to try to nap I feel things "starting" again I've been bleeding all morning and the contractions started about 10am ish! (We r on est) they said I wnt go home till I deliver so could be 6 hours or 6 weeks no one knows but my doc (who I LOVE he's amazin) says soon! Lol at least that's his opinion! As far a visitors no not really my mom is here for a few days from fl (were in oh) but hubby c,an only come if emerg. Or every couple days we live over 1hr 15min away and he works 3rd shift not to mention te budget for gas lol other than that we don't know anyone in the area all our friends and fam are in fl 1500 miles away! :-( but we are hanging in there again thx fr ur support and frendship..are u preggers, or ttc? And my name is Taunya! ;-) talk to u soon!
@survivormommy3 we live near cedar point, but the doc/hospial is fairview...where abouts are you?
@everyone thanks for prayers...***update*** had a huge scare this afternoon wke up from my lil nap in excrusiating pain, and they came in to check and the baby was tachacardia (sp?) (Her heart rate was through the roof) ended up w a "million" ppl in my room ultrasound ect they couldn't figure out the problem...my contrations were 3 min apart again andbaby had dropped again! My cervics made some slight changes and was thinning more (been bleeding all day) but now almost 12 hrs later her heart is normal again emerg c-sec talk is put on hold and my contractions have spaced again to 6ish min apart! I am exausted and worn the heck out..wish one way or the other. She would make up her mind! Thx everyone I appreciate you! Lots of love!
@mummytuube I have been having my bloody show for days and days...tmi but its like the beaver boogers with lots of blood in it and a few clots here and there when ever I have a mass amount then get check doc says cirvics is thinner so he said its a process of loosing the linning of the cervics...as long as I wasn't bleeding likea period!
@survivormommie3 your not weird at all or creepy...I would love the company but understand its a long drive we are exactly 2 miles from clev arport. Its comforting to know u care! Pls keep in touch! I will update soon!