Double Trouble, early admitting &delivery

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
well hello all... i haven't been on here in a while and I wanted to give you all a update... i am 21 weeks and 4 days today... I will b admitted in less than 7 more weeks.., we found out that baby A has a hole in her heart and we are being extra cautious... i don't know the exact delivery date but I will keep all of you posted... ttyl mmmmmmmmmm!


  • Oh sweety I'm sorry, but I'm sure eveything will be ok. I'll be praying for you :) Take good care of yourself.

  • Thankfully now a days a hole in baby's a heart isn't so big.. (not saying I wouldn't be worried) modern drs have came such a long way in 25 yrs. I pray everything goes well.
  • Good luck. Sweetie, I'll keep you & babes in my prayers!
  • thank you all so much!!!
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