anyone like to window shop while still TTC? lol

We had an MC at 5 weeks 3 months ago... but it got me thinking! I love to look online and in mags for what i'd like in my nursery (just like i did before i was engaged with the wedding lol). Is this silly or does anyone else do it also? i try not to but it just makes me happy... i just hope that we are blessed with a healthy baby some day soon now that we're ready to try! :)


  • I did the exact thing. We ttc for a year and by the time I got pregnant I had everything picked out already. It made me feel better. And now that I am pregnant I have went to like every store and picked out everything I want. So as soon as we know the gender ill know exactly what I want lol
  • i actually got a mag the other day -pregnancy and newborns... but i wouldnt allow myself to read the articles just yet... i looked at pics and ideas to search. silly, but i love it. glad to hear i'm not just being silly!

    GOOD LUCK to all you ttc!
  • I'm still early in my pregnancy, but I like to look at things here and there, though I wouldn't think of buying anything so early. I found myself doing this a week or so before I found out I was pregnant, and I had no clue Why. The thing is, I wasn't even ttc.
  • I have a crib picked out Haha! Its probably a bad idea but I can't help but look online and think about it!
  • It must Not be so bad if there's quite a few Of us... we'll just be prepared right?!/! Lol
  • I did the same thing!! Baby clothes were my weakness! My husband thought that it was so strange lol after 3 years of TTCing God blessed us! And after 3 years of planning everything I changed everything!! Lol I wish you luck and I will say a prayer for you :)
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