does anyone know anything about gallbladders?

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
I have had this burning under my right rib for a few weeks maybe even over a month. And tonight it is burning so bad I have a frozen pack of hot dogs on my belly to soothe it. Could this be something to do with my gallbladder or is anyone else feeling this pain


  • Sounds like it, I had my gallbladder removed a year after my boys were born, I also had pain in my shoulder blade, I had emergency surgery though
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  • i had really bad gallstones a couple years ago, but i felt it right where my diaphragm is. they told me for months it was just heartburn then they finally did an ultra sound and low n behold... i had gallstones out the ass! definitely get it checked out...
  • @chiquitabanana I have a Dr apt in the morning so I will def. Bring it up.

    @mama_kat ill have to bring it up tomorrow. It's burning so bad. My fiancee thinks I'm being paranoid but it doesn't feel like a lighter is under his rib.

    @fae didn't yu just want to say I TOLD YOU SO! this is def. Not heart burn it starts at the bottom of my ribs only on the right and about three or four inches down. I have kept bringing it up to the drs but they never say gall bladder they just say the baby.
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  • @mama_kat that's crazy. How do they take them out
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  • I had them real bad in 09. I felt literally like I was dying. I had pain so bad I would have to make myself vomit to get relief. I was real sick afterwards too. I got a bad infection and ended up off work for a month. Not good times
  • I have the same type of pains! I was at the doctor this morning, and they told me if was a nerve...and, that it's fairly common to feel on your right side. It's horrible though. Stretching out helps me. It gets way worse when I'm sitting.
  • @mama_kat that's a crazy process.

    @sammiegee87 that is my other thought. He always has his foot there and its worse when I'm sitting too
  • @mscheyla: I'm 37 wks 2 days and I've had the same feeling for about 3 weeks now. I asked my dr this morning and he said its just stretching unless it is intensified within a few hours after eating then it could be gallbladder. Mine is just constant hurting so he told me not to worry
  • Yep. Exactly I had mine removed full of gallstones looked like lemon heads totally gross
  • Does it hurt more aftrr eating fatty foods? Thats usually a sign its ur gallbladder. Good luck. Hope u feel better.
  • @dueinjuly11 when I wake up in the morning it doesn't hurt. When I mentioned it to the doctor she said he could have his foot up in a muscle and that can cause the burning

  • @mommyof3girls ill have to try to pay attention for that. Thank you
  • i had my gall bladder removed in 2009 but not for gallstones. My gallbladder just didn't work. I had the ultra sounds and it didn't show anything. I had an upper endoscopy to check my stomach and then I had this test that I had to lay flat for 2 hours. The first hour was to watch it operate then the 2nd hour the injected this stuff that had a specific hormone in it to make my gall bladder squeeze. Well mine didnt squeeze and thats how the figure out that it didn't work. My major signs of gall bladder attacks were after fatty or greasy foods. my right shoulder would get sharp pains and I would get the burning right under my breast bone. Hope they figure it out for you!
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